No. 4., SYNOPSIS of the Population of WESTERN AUSTRALIA on the 30th September, 1854.
FREE. CONDITIONAL PARDON. TICKET-OF-LEAVE HOLDERS. Married. Single. Total Females. Total Population.
Married. Single. Total Free Married. Single. Total C. P. Men. Married. Single. Total Ticket-of-Leave Men. Total Males.
Under 21. 21 and upwards. Under 21. Between 12 & 21. 21 and upwards. Under 21. 21 and upwards. Under 21. 21 and upwards. Under 21. 21 and upwards. Under 21. 21 and upwards. Under 21. 21 and upwards. Under 21. Between 12 & 21. 21 and upwards.
Perth and its suburbs 301 373 157 212 1,043 22 6 41 69 25 186 211 1,323 30 349 359 187 159 1,084 2,407
Fremantle 221 228 99 150 698 15 20 35 1 44 117 162 895 19 259 266 121 33 698 1,593
Swan 2 134 10 135 161 442 14 26 40 1 12 2 59 74 556 87 82 145 65 26 405 961
York 4 131 126 128 110 499 5 21 5 16 47 1 35 7 127 170 716 29 95 129 90 9 352 1,068
Toodyay 1 90 106 48 134 379 2 35 37 31 3 169 203 619 13 81 94 31 15 234 853
Murray 1 40 43 32 30 146 6 6 4 5 9 161 6 35 42 11 6 100 261
Wellington 1 106 121 48 55 331 9 2 16 27 18 2 132 152 510 20 98 113 31 14 276 786
Sussex 42 42 16 45 145 2 1 16 19 1 3 31 35 199 8 30 32 23 5 98 297
Plantagenet 95 76 49 70 290 12 4 46 62 5 28 3 122 158 510 11 89 95 34 9 238 748
Victoria 29 23 16 35 103 2 1 31 34 9 82 91 228 3 23 19 3 5 53 281
Total 9 1,189 1,148 728 1,002 4,076 5 99 19 253 376 8 207 20 1,030 1,265 5,717 226 1,141 1,294 596 281 3,538 9,255
Add the Military, their wives and families 238 162 25 102 527 527 238 174 14 426 953
Ticket-of leave men on Public Works 924 924 924 924
Prisoners in Convict Establishment & Colonial Jails 610 1 1 611
Aborigines in the employ of white population 195 38 283
Grand Total 9 1,427 1,310 753 1,104 4,603 5 99 19 253 376 8 207 20 1,954 2,189 7,973 226 1,379 1,468 610 282 4,003 11,976