TABLE 1.—Index of Occupations—continued.
Nature of Occupation. Class. Order. Sub-Order.
Law I. 1 4
Medical I. 2 3
Musical I. 2 9
Theological I. 2 1
University (not law or medical) VIII. 26 2
Veterinary I. 2 3
Stuffed animals, birds—dealer III. 5 4
Sub-enumerator (census) III. 11 2
Sugar baker V. 17 2
Sugar beer dealer III. 7 3
Sugar broker, salesman III. 7 2
Sugar planter VI. 24 1
Sugar refiner V. 17 2
Supercargo IV. 14A 3
Sulphate maker V. 15 16
Sulphur manufacture, engaged in V. 15 16
Superannuated officer (no occupation stated) VII. 25 1
Charitable institution I. 2 2
Constabulary I. 1 4
Squatting station (pastoral) VI. 24 2
Undefined V. 23 1
Surface man (undefined) VI. 24 7
Surgeon I. 2 3
Surgeon assistant (not qualified) I. 2 3
Surgeon dentist I. 2 3
Surgeon veterinary I. 2 3
Surgical instrument appliance, bandage—
Dealer III. 5 8
Maker V. 15 8
Survey office, officer of (not draughtsman or surveyor) I. 1 1
Surveyor (including Government) I. 2 6
Surveyor's assistant, chainman I. 2 6
Building (quantity) V. 21 1
Building society III. 4 1
Cadet, pupil, labourer to I. 2 6
City, town, borough I. 2 6
Insurance company III. 4 2
Land I. 2 6
Marine III. 4 2
Mining VI. 24 7
Swagger, swagman VI. 24 1
Sweeper, chimney V. 22 2
Sweeper, street V. 22 2
Sweetmeat seller III. 7 2
Swimming, teacher of I. 2 7
Tablemaker V. 15 15
Tackle for sports and games—
Dealer III. 5 5
Maker V. 15 5
Tailor, tailoress V. 16 2
Tallow boiler down, melter V. 18 1
Tallow candlemaker V. 18 1
Tallow chandler, merchant, dealer III. 8 4
Tally clerk, railways IV. 14A 1
Tally clerk, wharf IV. 14A 3
Tally clerk, undefined III. 11 2
Tank maker (dam) VI. 24 6
Tank maker (iron) V. 19 3
Tanner V. 18 1
Tarpaulin dealer III. 6 3
Tarpaulin maker V. 16 3
Tavern keeper, wife assisting II. 3 1
Tax collector (rate collector) I. 1 2
Taxidermist V. 15 4
Tea broker, merchant III. 7 3
Tea dealer, wife assisting, and assistant to III. 7 3
Tea gardens proprietor, manager II. 3 1
Tea gardens waiter, waitress II. 3 1
Tea mixer, taster V. 17 3
Art, painting, sculpture I. 2 8
Boxing I. 2 10
Chemistry I. 2 5
Cookery I. 2 7
Dancing I. 2 7
Dressmaking, cutting I. 2 7
Fencing I. 2 10
Kindergarten I. 2 7
Languages, special subjects, or accomplishments (not art or music) I. 2 7
Music, singing I. 2 9
Undefined I. 2 7
Technological museum—
Curator, attendant I. 2 5
Telegraph engineer, electrician (telegraph service) IV. 14B 2
Telegraph instrument maker, fitter V. 15 7
Telegraph line repairer IV. 14B 2
Telegraph service, engaged in IV. 14B 2
Telegraphic agent IV. 14B 2
Telephone maker V. 15 7
Telephone service, engaged in IV. 14B 2
Telescope exhibitor I. 2 5
Teller, bank III. 4 1
Temperance agent (lecturer) I. 2 4
Temperance hotelkeeper, wife assisting II. 3 1
Tent dealer III. 6 3
Tent maker V. 16 3
Tennis materials dealer III. 5 5
Tennis materials maker V. 15 5
Textile fabrics, dealer in III. 6 1
Textile fabrics, worker in V. 16 1
Thatcher V. 21 1
Theatre proprietor, lessee, manager, doorkeeper, ticket taker, carpenter, clerk, assistant, property man I. 2 10
Theatrical agent I. 2 10
Theatrical dressmaker V. 16 2
Theatrical machinist I. 2 10
Theatrical performer I. 2 10
Theatrical scene painter I. 2 8
Theatrical writer I. 2 4
Theological professor, teacher (clergyman) I. 2 1
Theological student I. 2 1
Thistle cutter VI. 24 1
Thrashing machine—
Maker V. 15 10
Proprietor, worker VI. 24 1
Thread maker V. 16 3
Ticket collector (railways) IV. 14A 1
Ticket taker (theatre) I. 2 10
Ticket writer V. 15 3
Tie-maker V. 16 2
Tile dealer III. 9 1
Tile maker V. 19 1
Tiler, tile layer V. 21 1
Timber agent, broker, merchant, clerk, salesman, carter, dealer III. 8 6
Timber bender V. 15 14
Timber cutter, getter VI. 24 5
Timber measurer, valuer III. 8 6
Timber yard proprietor, manager, labourer III. 8 6
Time keeper—
Cab, omnibus IV. 14A 2
Railway IV. 14A 1
To building contractor V. 21 1
To road, railway, &c., contractor V. 21 2
Undefined V. 23 1
Tin dealer, merchant III. 9 3
Tin man, tinsmith, tin box maker V. 19 3
Tin miner, prospector VI. 24 7
Tinker V. 19 3
Titles, commissioner and examiner of I. 1 4
Titles, office, officer of I. 1 1
Titles, agent I. 1 4
Tobacco broker, merchant, importer III. 7 3
Tobacco grower VI. 24 1
Tobacco manufacture, engaged in V. 17 3
Tobacco pipe maker V. 15 4
Tobacconist III. 7 3
Toffee maker V. 17 2
Tombstone dealer III. 9 1
Tombstone maker V. 19 1
Tonnage collector (Customs) I. 1 1
Tonsorial artist II. 3 2
Tool dealer III. 5 10
Tool maker V. 15 10
Tooth-powder maker V. 15 16