TABLE 1.—Index of Occupations—continued.
Nature of Occupation. Class. Order. Sub-Order.
Local forces, member of I. 1 3
Local forces, officer of I. 1 3
Local preacher I. 2 1
Locker, customs I. 1 1
Locksmith V. 21 1
Locomotive driver, fireman, stoker, cleaner IV. 14A 1
Locomotive superintendent IV. 14A 1
Locomotive builder, repairer, workshop employe V. 15 10
Lodge-keeper II. 3 2
Lodger (no occupation stated) VIII. 26 1
Lodging-house keeper, wife assisting II. 3 1
Lolly maker V. 17 2
Lolly shop keeper III. 7 2
Looking-glass maker, silverer V. 15 15
Lorry driver, owner IV. 14A 2
Luggage carrier IV. 14A 2
Lumper IV. 14A 3
Lunatic asylum doctor I. 2 3
Lunatic asylum inmate of VIII. 27 1
Lunatic asylum officer (not medical man), attendant, servant I. 2 3
Lutheran pastor, minister I. 2 1
M.A. (no occupation stated) I. 2 4
M.B., M.D., M.R.C.S. I. 2 3
Macaroni maker V. 17 2
Machine, machinery—
Agent, dealer, importer III. 5 10
Maker V. 15 10
Ruler V. 15 1
Machinery—contractor for erecting V. 15 10
Machinist, boot V. 16 2
Machinist, printer's V. 15 1
Machinist, sewing V. 16 2
Machinist, stage or theatrical I. 2 10
Machinist, undefined V. 23 1
Machinist, wood V. 15 14
Mackintosh maker V. 16 2
Magazine (powder) keeper III. 13 1
Magdalen asylum—
Inmate of VIII. 27 1
Matron, officer I. 2 2
Magician I. 2 10
Magistrate (police, or undefined, no other occupation stated) I. 1 4
Magistrate's clerk I. 1 4
Magnetizer, medical I. 2 3
Mail contractor, carrier, guard ; mailman IV. 14B 1
Maizena manufacturer V. 17 2
Maker (so stated) V. 23 1
Malt merchant III. 7 3
Malster, malt roaster V. 17 3
Manager (undefined) V. 23 1
Manager public company III. 11 2
Manchester agent, warehouseman III. 6 1
Mangle maker V. 15 10
Mangler II. 3 2
Manicurist I. 2 3
Mantle, mantua—maker V. 16 2
Manufacturer (undefined) V. 23 1
Manufacturer's agent III. 11 1
Manure dealer III. 8 2
Manure manufacturer V. 18 1
Map maker, colourer, mounter V. 15 3
Map publisher, seller III. 5 3
Marble, chimney-piece, monument— maker ; marble mason V. 19 1
Marble merchant, dealer III. 9 1
Board officer, member (not otherwise described) IV. 14A 3
Dealer (term applied to bottle, &c. dealers) III. 11 1
Engine boiler maker V. 15 10
Engineer (merchant steamer) IV. 14A 3
Surveyor III. 4 2
Underwriter III. 4 2
Mariner (merchant service) IV. 14A 3
Marker, billiard I. 2 10
Marker, rifle butts I. 1 3
Gardener VI. 24 1
Gardener's wife, son, daughter, relative assisting VI. 24 1
Inspector I. 1 2
Keeper, lessee, clerk III. 4 3
Woman (undefined) III. 7 2
Marquee maker V. 16 3
Mason (not marble) V. 21 1
Mason's labourer V. 21 1
Masseur I. 2 3
Mast maker V. 15 13
Master in Equity and Lunacy, and officer to I. 1 4
Master mariner IV. 14A 3
Master of college I. 2 7
Master of school (undefined) I. 2 7
Mat, matting—dealer III. 6 3
Mat, maker V. 16 3
Mat, dyer (skin) V. 16 1
Match dealer, seller III. 10 1
Match maker V. 20 1
Mate (merchant ship) IV. 14A 3
Mathematics professor, lecturer (university) I. 2 7
Mathematics teacher (not university) I. 2 7
Mathematical instrument maker V. 15 7
Mattress maker V. 15 15
Meal dealer, merchant III. 7 2
Meal manufacturer V. 17 2
Meat curer, preserver, salter V. 17 1
Meat market official, inspector I. 1 2
Meat safe maker V. 15 15
Meat salesman (auctioneer) III. 4 2
Meat salesman (butcher) III. 7 1
Mechanic (undefined) V. 23 1
Mechanical engineer (consulting) I. 2 6
Mechanical engineer (not consulting) V. 15 10
Mechanics' institute officer, attendant III. 5 1
Medal maker V. 15 6
Agent I. 2 3
Assistant (not qualified medical man) I. 2 3
Botanist, clairvoyant, galvanist, herbalist, mesmerist, psychopathist I. 2 3
Man, practitioner (undefined) I. 2 3
Society officer (not medical man) I. 2 3
Student, pupil I. 2 3
Medicine, cattle—manufacturer V. 15 16
Medicine, (patent) vendor (not druggist) I. 2 3
Medium I. 2 10
Meerschaum pipe—
Importer III. 5 4
Maker V. 15 4
Member of—
Legislative council or assembly (no occupation stated) I. 1 1
Stock exchange III. 4 1
Memory system—author, teacher of I. 2 7
Menagerie officer, keeper, assistant I. 2 10
Mender of china, earthenware, glass, &c. V. 19 1
Mercantile marine department officer IV. 14A 3
Mercer and assistant to III. 6 2
Merchant (general or undefined) III. 11 1
Merchant's clerk (undefined) III. 11 1
Mercy, sister of I. 2 2
Merry-go-round proprietor, assistant I. 2 10
Mesmerist (medical) I. 2 3
Message boy, girl IV. 14B 3
Messenger, Government service (department undefined) I. 1 1
Messenger, local council I. 1 2
Messenger, telegraph IV. 14B 2
Messenger, undefined IV. 14B 3
Metal dealer, merchant, broker III. 9 3
Metal worker (undefined) V. 19 3
Metallician III. 12 1
Metallurgist I. 2 5
Meter inspector—
Gas-works or undefined V. 20 1
Water-works VI. 24 6