Conjugal Condition.—Marriageable Men and Women, 1901., TABLE XXXV.—Showing the Numbers, Excess, and Proportions of Bachelors and Widowers, and of Spinsters and Widows, in the Total Population, and amongst the Chinese and Aborigines, at the Census of 1901.
Population. Number of Bachelors aged 20 and upwards, and Widowers of All Ages. Number of Spinsters aged 15 and upwards, and Widows of All Ages. Excess of Bachelors and Widowers over Spinsters and Widows. Excess of Spinsters and Widows over Bachelors and Widowers. Number of Bachelors and Widowers to every 100 Spinsters and Widows.
Total 160,332 211,332 51,000 76
Exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines 154,332 211,087 56,755 73
Chinese 5,900 176 5,724 3,352
Aborigines 100 69 31 1