OCCUPATIONS OF MALES, 1891.—SPECIFIC OCCUPATIONS., TABLE LXVII.—Showing, according to the Census taken on the 5th April, 1891, the Number of Males (exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines) at various Periods of Age of different Occupations, in Classified Arrangement—continued.
Class. Order. Sub-order. Occupations. Total. Number of Males at each Period of Age.
Under 5 Years. 5 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 45 45 to 65 65 and upwards. Unspecified.
I. 2 10 Race-course secretary, ranger, caretaker ; jockey 488 33 227 141 81 3 3
Cricket ground, bowling green, tennis court, skating rink, gymnasium—caretaker, assistant, professional player 17 1 1 3 8 4
Billiard-table proprietor, keeper, marker 280 1 12 64 155 42 5 1
Others ministering to amusements, including circus rider, pugilist, ventriloquist, pedestrian ; show keeper, man, &c. 134 2 6 33 77 13 3
II. 3 1 Hotel-keeper 2,953 79 1,352 1,351 168 3
Coffee palace, house—keeper, manager, secretary 38 2 14 20 2
Boarding, lodging house—keeper 259 4 86 117 49 3
Restaurant, eating-house—keeper 113 6 54 47 6
Club-house manager, secretary 12 8 4
Others engaged in boarding, lodging, and entertaining, including carterer, oyster-room proprietor, sailors' home officer, hotel clerk, &c. 104 4 7 68 21 3 1
2 Servants' registry-office keeper, assistant 6 3 2 1
Housekeeper 30 16 10 4
Domestic or lodging-house servant 6,067 246 1,070 1,123 2,175 1,044 378 31
Inn, club, coffee house, restaurant—servant 3,130 45 360 470 1,941 253 55 6
Office keeper, cleaner 17 3 5 1 6 2
Bath keeper, attendant 30 1 1 2 9 15 2
Professed cook (not servant) 94 3 44 6 41
Laundry keeper, assistant ; mangler 103 5 7 8 50 28 5
Hairdresser, barber 1,419 33 319 427 529 95 14 2
Shoeblack 1 1
Others engaged in attendance, including beadle, hallkeeper, tourists' guide, janitor, &c. 173 1 19 9 42 97 5
III. 4 1 Capitalist 687 1 19 183 295 189
Banker, bank manager, officer, clerk 2,503 3 437 764 1,075 204 19 1
Building society, deposit bank—manager, secretary, officer, clerk 48 1 1 28 17 1
Money lender, broker, bill discounter 13 5 6 2
Share, stock—broker, dealer, jobber, speculator 664 18 27 293 284 42
Pawnbroker 114 5 11 11 46 35 5 1
Others engaged in banking and finance, including secretary to financial company, stock exchange officer, &c. 5 1 4
2 Insurance company manager, officer, clerk 315 40 9 225 38 3
Insurance agent, canvasser 205 3 28 90 69 14 1
Actuary, average stater 24 1 15 7 1
Accountant (professional), auditor 67 13 37 14 3