Order. Sub-order. Occupations. Exclusive of Aborigines.
Victoria.(1) New South Wales. Queensland. Western Australia. Tasmania. New Zealand.
Working in—
15 3 Fibrous materials and fabrics made therefrom 59 15 5 28
16 1 Animal food 14 5 1 1 18
2 Vegetable food 302 157 81 6 59 87
3 Drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 113 78 43 1 49
Working in—
17 1 Animal matters 12 3 2 2 17
2 Vegetable matters not otherwise classed (chiefly wood) 49 5 5 5 3
3 Fodder and seed 1
4 Paper 227 4 20
18 1 Stone, clay, earthenware, and glass 18 4 2 1 1 11
2 Gold, silver, and precious stones 21 1 2 10
3 Metals, other than gold and silver 25 3 2 1 5
19 1 Fuel, light, and electric or hydraulic energy 2
20 1 Houses and buildings 22 1 3 12
2 Railways, roads, excavations, earthworks, &c. 10 1 1
3 Disposal of dead matter or refuse 3 2
21 1 Imperfectly defined industries (chiefly labourers) 349 24 20 3 40 61
Engaged in—
22 1 Agricultural pursuits 6,028 1,022 6,089 162 1,447 2,387
2 Pastoral pursuits or breeding animals 4,814 1,092 653 146 407 270
3 Preserving, capturing, or destroying wild animals 7 2 12 3 25 5
4 Forestry or acquisition of products of natural vegetation 1 2
5 Water conservancy and supply 1 1 1
6 Mines and quarries 11 1 5 1 23
23 1 Persons of Independent means 13,282 5,617 174 79 422 1,484
24 1 Persons employed (if at all) in household duties 308,281 311,824 65,314 12,261 42,938 172,992
2 Students (not law, medicine, art, or music) and scholars 113,217 117,136 71,257 4,284 12,922 73,776
25 1 Persons dependent on charity 4,180 3,450 1,292 162 626 1,537
2 Persons under legal detention 382 508 89 11 43 59
Occupations not stated or illdefined 1,425 549 375 23 147 1,926
Total 541,751 515,951 169,939 19,693 69107(2) 293,781