SUMMARY OF ELECTORAL PROVINCES., TABLE V.—Showing the Population of each Electoral Province, the Number of Houses Occupied and Unoccupied or in course of Erection, their Classification according to the Materials of which they are constructed, and the Rooms they contain ; also the Number of Persons living in Houses of different Materials, and the Number Camping Out.
Electoral Provinces. Population (inclusive of Chinese and Aborigines). Habitations. Rooms. Population living in— Persons Camping Out.
Persons. Males. Females. Houses. Inhabited Stores, Offices, and Public Buildings. Tents and Dwellings with Canvas Roofs. Total Number of all Descriptions. Materials. Total Number. Habitations having— Brick, Stone, Wood, Iron, or Lath and Plaster Buildings. Slab, Bark, or Mud Huts. Tents or Dwellings with Canvas Roofs. Habitations of Unstated Materials.
Occupied. Unoccupied or being Built. Brick or Stone. Wood, Iron, or Lath and Plaster. Slabs, Bark, Mud, &c. Canvas, Linen, Calico, &c. Not stated. One and Two. Three to Six. Seven to Ten. Eleven to Fifteen. Sixteen to Twenty. Over Twenty. Not stated.
Total Electoral Provinces 1,136,757 595,525 541,232 217,895 17,539 264 5,862 241,560 69,545 154,843 4,841 5,858 6,473 1,195,792 28,497 156,976 36,944 7,061 1,673 1,226 9,183 1,099,610 12,537 11,119 12,586 905
Melbourne 112,158 59,041 53,117 20,476 1,710 31 20 22,237 14,068 7,129 11 20 1,009 116,002 1,082 15,446 3,271 694 175 196 1,373 110,592 43 26 1,483 14
North Yarra 123,629 62,401 61,228 24,285 1,519 9 11 25,824 12,644 12,600 1 11 565 119,811 1,116 20,675 2,766 426 80 31 730 121,873 1 55 1,696 4
South Yarra 141,885 68,798 73,087 27,249 2,537 25 16 29,827 12,833 16,157 16 821 163,920 698 20,444 6,026 1,200 203 174 1,082 140,823 28 1,025 9
Southern 102,882 53,623 49,259 19,519 2,504 22 360 22,405 7,762 13,655 78 360 550 112,523 1,437 16,275 3,169 529 133 81 781 100,977 158 702 962 83
South-Western 60,021 30,693 29,328 11,496 738 42 199 12,475 2,405 9,429 90 199 352 66,080 1,153 8,036 2,223 437 116 84 426 58,522 163 493 807 36
Nelson 48,102 26,033 22,069 9,524 662 5 434 10,625 1,055 8,292 638 434 206 51,122 2,036 6,266 1,491 347 165 56 264 45,933 1,125 703 292 49
Western 50,385 26,115 24,270 8,977 546 3 287 9,813 2,062 7,219 63 287 182 50,215 1,431 5,974 1,559 377 89 73 310 49,235 203 465 443 39
North-Western 80,403 45,144 35,259 14,873 1,067 36 993 16,969 2,539 11,839 1,206 993 392 70,476 4,245 9,877 1,753 318 76 67 633 72,777 4,274 2,309 852 191
Northern 68,913 35,789 33,124 13,422 785 16 416 14,639 3,074 10,402 347 416 400 71,007 2,104 9,308 2,149 391 77 57 553 66,300 720 1,066 791 36
Wellington 76,542 39,017 37,525 15,661 743 15 90 16,509 1,821 13,941 189 90 462 86,289 1,670 10,589 2,923 523 97 74 633 75,126 330 120 952 14
North-Central 46,236 24,802 21,434 10,087 740 11 203 11,041 2,456 7,520 464 203 398 50,052 2,020 6,561 1,552 275 57 32 544 44,694 836 310 341 55
North-Eastern 74,653 41,965 32,688 13,735 778 22 536 15,071 1,742 11,830 611 536 352 70,115 2,837 8,931 2,158 380 98 90 577 70,991 1,478 977 1,033 174
Gippsland 69,939 40,179 29,760 13,270 895 16 1,733 15,914 889 12,102 818 1,733 372 67,584 4,691 8,154 1,971 390 101 86 521 63,711 2,321 2,807 970 130
South-Eastern 81,009 41,925 39,084 15,321 2,315 11 564 18,211 4,195 12,725 325 560 406 100,596 1,977 10,440 3,933 774 206 125 756 78,056 885 1,058 939 71