AGES, BIRTHS, AND DEATHS, 1881 to 1891—continued.
Ages. Numbers. Deaths in Ten Years. Gain by Immigration (+). Loss by Emigration (-)
1881. 1891. 1881. 1891. Increase (+). Decrease (-).
Not born 0 to 10 years 153407(1) 137,502 -15,905 25,442 +9,537
0 to 5 years 10 to 15 years 56,359 57,903 +1,544 2,923 +4,467
5 to 10 years 15 to 20 years 54,461 57,886 +3,425 1,814 +5,239
10 to 15 years 20 to 25 years 53,923 61,676 +7,753 2,348 +10,101
15 to 20 years 25 to 30 years 51,191 55,232 +4,041 3,033 +7,074
20 to 25 years 30 to 35 years 43,324 39,856 -3,468 3,075 -393
25 to 30 years 35 to 40 years 26,992 26,529 -463 2,515 +2,052
30 to 35 years 40 to 45 years 21,954 21,443 -511 2,367 +1,856
35 to 40 years 45 to 50 years 21,571 19,768 -1,803 2,477 674
40 to 45 years 50 to 55 years 21,245 19,299 -1,946 2,627 681
45 to 50 years 55 to 60 years 19,439 16,223 -3,216 2,907 -309
50 to 60 years 60 to 70 years 24,414 20,103 -4,311 5,415 +1,104
60 and upwards 70 and upwards 15,390 8,571 -6,819 8,171 +1,352
Total 563,670 541,991 -21,679 65,114 +43,435