Denomination. Chinese of— Total Chinese.
Pure Race. Mixed Race.
Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
Church of England 352 26 378 173 207 380 525 233 758
Presbyterians 99 1 100 31 39 70 130 40 170
Methodists 184 6 190 73 66 139 257 72 329
Independents 4 1 5 1 1 4 2 6
Baptists 2 2 3 2 5 5 2 7
Moravians 4 3 7 4 3 7
Salvation Army 4 4 5 10 15 9 10 19
Christians (so returned) 10 10 10 10
Roman Catholics 39 39 86 106 192 125 106 231
Mohammedans 3 3 1 1 4 4
Buddhists, Confucians, &c. 6,546 93 6,639 20 29 49 6,566 122 6,688
Other Denominations 29 29 6 6 35 35
No Denomination 122 1 123 1 1 123 1 124
No Religion 503 1 504 4 4 507 1 508
Object to state Religion 458 5 463 10 8 18 468 13 481
Total 8,355 134 8,489 417 471 888 8,772 605 9,377