OCCUPATIONS, 1871-1891., TABLE LXII.—Showing, at the last three Censuses, the Number of Males and Females of specific Occupations (including Chinese and Aborigines)—continued.
Occupations. 1871. 1881. 1891.
Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.
Officers of Local Government—
Members of local council (not otherwise described) 6 35 1
Magistrate, J. P. (not otherwise described) 10 23 6
Officer of local body 436 1 453 7 766 12
Army officer 45 29 23
Army non-commissioned officer and soldier 135 6 313
Navy officer 42 35 8
Navy petty officer and sailor 162 396 104
Volunteer (not otherwise described) 29 25 36
Others connected with defence 21 8 30
Clergyman, Ministers, and Church Officers—
Clergyman 633 782 1,216
Theological student 6 22 17
Irregular clergy 66 86 5 68 4
Church officer 94 2 82 7 112 7
Nun, sister of charity, &c. 53 159 311
Others connected with religion 39 6 80 14 344 182
Law Court Officers, Lawyers, &c.—
Law court officer (including judges) 206 151 187
Lawyer 432 513 729
Law student 23 25 16
Law clerk 461 1 512 1,073 6
Others connected with the law 29 42 49 5
Physicians, Surgeons, Druggists—
Medical man 434 454 777 1
Medical student 25 85 123 8
Irregular medical practitioner 68 1 67 2 120 29
Dentist 63 105 2 226 6
Chemist and druggist, and assistants (see also Analytical chemist, order 2, sub-order 5,post ;and Manufacturing chemist, order 8, sub-order 15,post) 573 2 755 6 1,036 26
Midwife 130 100 931
Others connected with medicine 10 2 17 2 100 91
Authors, Literary Persons, &c.—
Author, editor, writer (including newspaper editors, &c.) 194 3 307 9 1,042 64
Reporter, shorthand writer 78 103 101 6
University graduate (not otherwise described) 2 2 7 1
Other literary persons 27 40 63 8
Scientific Persons—
Civil engineer 186 216 368
Engineer's draughtsman 7 11 14
Analytical chemist 6 10 19
Other scientific persons 32 1 61 2 154 1
Teachers, &c.—
University professor 3 4 2
Schoolmaster, mistress, teacher 1,772 2,697 2,341 3,279 1,211 2,093
Tutor, governess 94 747 67 831 58 1,103
Teacher of languages or accomplishments (not music) 52 13 83 60 141 134
Others connected with education 48 2 125 5 1,291 1,267