OCCUPATIONS, 1871-1891., TABLE LXII.—Showing, at the last three Censuses, the Number of Males and Females of specific Occupations (including Chinese and Aborigines)., NOTE.—The figures for 1891 will be found to differ from those in subsequent tables, as, for purposes of comparison, it has been found necessary to adapt the classification to that used at previous Censuses, also to include the Chinese and Aborigines.
Occupations. 1871. 1881. 1891.
Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.
Total 401,050 330,478 452,083 410,263 598,414 541,991
Total specified 398,341 328,726 445,653 408,781 592,930 540,570
Officers of General Government—
Government officers of all grades, excepting police, penal, and railways 1,319 32 1,947 221 2,984 477
Police (including detectives) 1,045 1,103 1,577
Penal (including all persons employed in penal establishments, gaols, and reformatories) 223 18 190 16 455 85