Occupations. Hospitals. Benevolent Asylums. Other Charitable Institutions.(1)
Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.
Government and local government officers 2 2
Soldiers 2 9 1
Lawyers, law clerks 2
Police 10 3
Charitable institution attendants 2 1
Medical men, druggists, nurses 2 4
Journalists 2 1
Civil engineers, surveyors, architects 3 5
Teachers 1 6 7 7 2 2
Artists 2
Musicians, actors, and others connected with amusements 7 2 10 3
Hotel, boarding-house—keepers 1 1 8 3
Servants 44 130 57 186 6 85
Traders, merchants, shop-keepers 75 2 121 15 10 1
Railway, tram, cab, dray—service 27 8 3
Sailors, ship engineers, firemen, servants, boatmen 26 45 4
Messengers and porters 3 2 1
Printers, bookbinders 3 9 1 3
Carvers, ornament-makers 3 7 1 17 6
Watch, scientific instrument—makers 3 2
Mechanical engineers, toolmakers 8 15 1
Carriage, harness—makers 6 9
Ship, boat, sail—makers 5
Painters, glaziers, plumbers 23 17 3
Furniture makers, upholsterers 3 13 1
Weavers, spinners, dyers 4 4 1 1 1
Tailors, shoemakers, hatters, dressmakers, milliners 20 28 40 47 7 14
Rope, mat—makers 1 2 3 4
Milliers, bakers 13 16 2
Brewers, coridal-makers 5 1 1 1
Tanners, fellmongers 2
Sawyers, splitters, coopers, box-makers 11 19 4
Stone carvers ; brick, pottery—makers 7 10
Goldsmiths, silversmiths 3
Ironfounders, blacksmiths, whitesmiths 23 31 2
Gasmakers, charcoal burners 2
Masons, bricklayers, builders 18 34 4
Carpenters, turners 31 54 8
Navvies, excavators, stonebreakers 16 6 1
Labourers (undefined) 257 444 27
Mechanics, manufacturers, &c. (undefined) 4 2
Farmers, gardeners, farm servants 125 3 82 17
Squatters, graziers, station servants 20 37 3
Fishermen 2 1
Woodcutters 7 3 1
Miners, quarrymen 126 134 1 2
Of independent means 2 3 4
Wives, daughters, &c. 225 178 59
Scholars 49 31 11 328 659
Occupations not stated 225 197 38 94 145 568
Total 1,223 628 1,333 535 617 1,403