Orders. Number of Annual Incomes. Amount of Annual Incomes.
Under £100. £100 and upwards. Total. Under £100. £100 and upwards. Total.
£ £ £
12. Engaged in storage 200 190 390 16,600 41,900 58,500
13. Carriers by land and water 12,900 18,524 31,424 1,032,000 2,328,280 3,360,280
14. Working in art and mechanic productions 11,810 17,094 28,904 944,800 3,035,780 3,980,580
15. Working in textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous articles 20,450 16,965 37,415 1,636,000 3,250,090 4,886,090
16. Working in food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 2,350 5,257 7,607 188,000 854,010 1,042,010
17. Working in animal and vegetable substances 2,500 4,171 6,671 200,000 653,100 853,100
18. Working in minerals and metals 6,100 8,294 14,394 488,000 1,427,350 1,915,350
19. Working in fuel, light, and energy 500 522 1,022 40,000 62,200 102,200
20. Working in buildings, railways, roads, and earthworks 11,201 21,961 33,162 882,010 3,075,320 3,957,330
21. Working in undefined mechanical operations (chiefly labourers) 18,000 19,952 37,952 1,260,000 3,294,240 4,554,240
22. Engaged on land and animals 68,100 55,896 123,996 2,724,000 7,196,785 9,920,785
23. Of independent means 8,000 9,771 17,771 640,000 1,747,325 2,387,325
Total 248,225 245,752 493,977 14,138,130 38,764,457 52,902,587