OCCUPATIONS OF MALES AND FEMALES (1881 AND 1891) UNDER SIXTEEN HEADS.(1)—NUMBERS., (Including Chinese and Aborigines.)
Occupations. Males. Females. Total.
1881. 1891. 1881. 1891. 1881. 1891.
Government and defence 4,250 6,303 244 574 4,494 6,877
Learned professional literature, art, and science 8,671 13,416 5,543 8,435 14,214 21,851
Performing personal offices 8,666 13,885 31,043 42,715 39,709 56,600
Traders and carriers 33,703 59,137 3,023 6,361 36,726 65,498
Agricultural pursuits 70,452 80,986 11,456 10,057 81,908 91,043
Pastoral pursuits 10,769 13,902 1,053 800 11,822 14,702
Artisans and mechanics 26,465 49,858 433 1,136 26,898 50,994
Workers and dealers in textile fabrics and dress 13,571 18,757 20,977 28,539 34,548 47,296
Workers and dealers in food, drinks, and stimulants 13,522 20,916 1,755 1,870 15,277 22,786
Workers and dealers in animal and vegetable substances 8,059 12,887 213 639 8,272 13,526
Workers and dealers in minerals and metals (not miners) 12,397 30,036 42 143 12,439 30,179
Miners and others connected with mining 36,058 23,091 8 8 36,066 23,099
Labourers (branch undefined) 25,593 40,301 143 247 25,736 40,548
Independent means 1,327 4,461 10,745 13,280 12,072 17,741
Perfoming household duties or being educated 165,957 198,131 318,488 421,243 484,445 619,374
Dependent on charity or criminal 6,193 6,863 3,615 4,523 9,808 11,386
Total of specified occupations 445,653 592,930 408,781 540,570 854,434 1,133,500
Occupation not stated 6,430 5,484 1,482 1,421 7,912 6,905
Grand Total 452,083 598,414 410,263 541,991 862,346 1,140,405