OCCUPATIONS OF MALES AND FEMALES, 1891.—ORDERS. (Exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines and of those whose occupations were not specified.)
Class. Order. Occupations. Males. Females. Total.
Numbers. Proportions per 1,000. Numbers. Proportions per 1,000. Numbers. Proportions per 1,000.
I. 1 Ministering to Government, law, and order (1) 6,771 11.59 169 0.31 6,940 6.18
2 Ministering to religion, charity, science, &c. 13,135 22.49 9,556 17.71 22,691 20.19
II. 3 Ministering to board, lodging, and attendance 14,549 24.91 42,431 78.62 56,980 50.70
III. 4 Dealing in money and real property 8,135 13.93 1,141 2.11 9,276 8.25
5 Dealing in art and mechanic productions 2,101 3.60 413 0.76 2,514 2.24
6 Dealing in textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous articles 5,157 8.83 900 1.67 6,057 5.39
7 Dealing in food, drinks, groceries, narcotics, and stimulants 12,727 21.79 1,401 2.60 14,128 12.57
8 Dealing in animals, animal and vegetable substances 4,452 7.62 269 0.50 4,721 4.21
9 Dealing in minerals and metals 1,894 3.24 65 0.12 1,959 1.74
10 Dealing in fuel and light 1,647 2.82 17 0.03 1,664 1.48
11 General and undefined dealers, merchants, shop-keepers, clerks 22,832 39.09 3,507 6.50 26,339 23.44
12 Engaged in storage 383 0.66 7 0.01 390 0.35
13 Carriers of passengers, goods, letters, and messages 29,880 51.16 1,544 2.86 31,424 27.96
IV. 14 Working in art and mechanic productions 27,880 47.73 1,024 1.90 28,904 25.72
15 Working in textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous articles 10,928 18.71 26,487 49.08 37,415 33.29
16 Working in food, drinks, narcotics, and stimulants 7,178 12.29 429 0.79 7,607 6.77
17 Working in animal and vegetable substances 6,382 10.93 289 0.54 6,671 5.94
18 Working in minerals and metals 14,330 24.54 64 0.12 14,394 12.81
19 Working in fuel, light, and energy 1,020 1.75 2 1,022 0.91
20 Working in buildings, railways, roads, and earthworks 33,144 56.75 18 0.03 33,162 29.51
21 Undefined mechanical operations (chiefly labourers) 37,603 64.38 349 0.65 37,952 33.77
V. 22 Engaged on land and about animals 113,135 193.71 10,861 20.12 123,996 110.34
VI. 23 Of independent means 4,485 7.68 13,286 24.61 17,771 15.81
VII. 24 Performing household duties and being educated 197,728 338.54 420,935 779.91 618,663 550.52
25 Dependent on charity or in prison 6,576 11.26 4,561 8.45 11,137 9.91
Total of Specified Occupations 584,052 1000.00 539,725 1000.00 1,123,777 1000.00