Diseases. Males. Females. Total.
Diseases of the Digestive System—continued.
Ulceration of Intestine 1 1
Obstruction of Intestine 1 1
Hernia 39 2 41
Fistula 1 1
Peritonitis 1 1
Liver Disease undefined 5 4 9
Diseases of the Urinary System—Nephritis 1 1
Britght's Disease 2 2
Calculus 2 2
Bladder or Kidney Disease undefined 6 6
Diseases of the Organs of Locomotion—
Necrosis 1 1 2
Synovitis 1 1
Diseses of the Integumentary System—
Lupus 2 2
Ulcer, Bedsore 26 17 43
Eczema 5 5
Skin Disease undefined 3 2 5
Ill-defined and Unspecified Complaint—
Dropsy 5 5
Debility 156 156
Gangrene 2 2
Tumour 6 6
Abscess 3 3
Sickness and undefined 6,836 4,725 11,561
Total 7,590 5,334 12,924