AGES, BIRTHS, AND DEATHS, 1871 TO 1881—continued.
Ages. Numbers. Increase (+). Decrease (-). Deaths in Ten Years.* Gain by Immigration (+). Loss by Emigration (-).
1871. 1881. 1871. 1881.
Not born Under 10 years 131563† 110,820 - 20743 23,691 + 2948
Under 5 years 10 to 15 years 57,751 53,923 - 3828 3,767 - 61
5 to 10 years 15 to 20 years 52,954 51,191 - 1763 1,936 + 173
10 to 15 years 20 to 25 years 42,573 43,324 + 751 1,803 + 2554
15 to 20 years 25 to 30 years 28,292 26,992 - 1300 1,817 + 517
20 to 25 years 30 to 35 years 25,418 21,954 - 3464 1,996 - 1468
25 to 30 years 35 to 40 years 25,395 21,571 - 3824 2,239 - 1585
30 to 35 years 40 to 45 years 24,100 21,245 - 2855 2,447 - 408
35 to 40 years 45 to 50 years 23,625 19,439 - 4186 2,471 - 1715
40 to 45 years 50 to 55 years 17,945 15,296 - 2649 2,070 - 579
45 to 50 years 55 to 60 years 11,368 9,118 - 2250 1,796 - 454
50 to 60 years 60 to 70 years 13,312 10,809 - 2503 2,844 + 341
60 and upwards 70 and upwards 7,745 4,581 - 3164 3,706 + 542
Total 462,041 410,263 -51,778 52,583 + 805