Ages. Numbers. Increase (+). Decrease (-). Deaths in Ten Years.* Gain by Immigration (+). Loss by Emigration (-).
1871. 1881. 1871. 1881.
Not born Under 10 years. 137308† 112,689 - 24619 27,163 + 2544
Under 5 years 10 to 15 years 58,937 54,330 - 4607 3,727 - 880
5 to 10 years 15 to 20 years 53,549 49,445 - 4104 1,968 - 2136
10 to 15 years 20 to 25 years 43,012 40,593 - 2419 1,774 - 645
15 to 20 years 25 to 30 years 20,264 27,482 + 1218 1,630 + 2848
20 to 25 years 30 to 35 years 24,004 22,633 - 1371 1,841 + 470
25 to 30 years 35 to 40 years 28,875 23,434 - 5441 2,474 - 2967
30 to 35 years 40 to 45 years 33,257 25,948 - 7309 3,291 - 4018
35 to 40 years 45 to 50 years 38,405 28,354 - 10051 4,355 - 5696
40 to 45 years 50 to 55 years 34,876 26,439 - 8437 4,671 - 3766
45 to 50 years 55 to 60 years 22,091 15,967 - 6124 4,109 - 2015
50 to 60 years 60 to 70 years 25,310 18,202 - 7108 6,684 - 424
60 and upwards 70 and upwards 12,470 6,567 - 5903 6,698 + 795
Total 538,358 452,083 - 86275 70,385 - 15890