Order. Sub-Order. Occupations. Numbers of each Occupation living. Numbers Disabled from— Proportion Disabled per 1,000 living.
Sickness. Accidents. Total.
1 1 & 2 Government and local government officers 3,995 60 6 66 16.52
1 3 Army and navy (officers, soldiers, sailors) 499 12 12 24.05
2 1 Clergy, church officers, &c. 1,237 21 21 16.98
2 2 Lawyers, law clerks, &c. 1,243 16 16 12.88
2 3 Medical men, druggists, midwives 1,595 32 1 33 20.69
2 4 & 5 Literary and scientific persons 497 15 3 18 36.22
2 6 Teachers 6,795 92 2 94 13.83
2 7, 8, & 9 Artists, musicians, actors 2,583 50 4 54 20.91
3 1 & 2 Wives, sons, daughters, relatives 280,957 4,942 219 5,161 18.37
3 3 Scholars 184,655 733 82 815 4.41
4 1 Engaged in boarding and lodging 7,475 191 17 208 27.83
4 2 Engaged in attendance 31,234 301 23 324 10.37
5 1 & 2 Merchants, clerks, shopkeepers 17,616 339 45 384 21.80
6 1 Railway service (not construction) 3,098 35 15 50 16.14
6 2 Carriers on roads (cab, omnibus, dray, &c.) 8,291 110 40 150 18.09
6 3 Carriers on seas and rivers (ships, boats, &c.) 3,363 140 26 166 49.36
6 4 & 5 Messengers, porters, storemen, telegraph service 2,816 32 3 35 12.43
7 1, 2, 3, & 4 Engaged in agricultural and pastoral pursuits 124,202 1,762 213 1,975 15.90
8 1, 2, & 3 Engaged in books, musical instruments, prints 3,831 39 6 45 11.75
8 4, 5, & 6 Engaged in carving, toys, designs, &c. 275 6 1 7 25.45
8 7, 8, & 9 Engaged in watches, instruments, arms, &c. 662 6 2 8 12.08
8 10 Engaged in machines and tools 994 43 3 46 46.28
8 11 Engaged in carriages, harness, and implements 3,556 56 7 63 17.72
8 12 Engaged in ships and boats (builders, repairers, &c.) 608 22 4 26 42.76
8 13 Engaged in houses and buildings 16,162 454 63 517 31.99
8 14 Engaged in furniture 1,748 43 43 24.60
8 15 Engaged in dyes, textile fabrics, dress, and fibrous materials 34,777 596 42 638 18.35
9 1, 2, & 3
10 1 Engaged in animal food 6,693 125 23 148 22.11
10 2 Engaged in vegetable food 4,309 98 14 112 25.99
10 3 Engaged in drinks and stimulants 4,275 84 17 101 23.63
11 1 Engaged in animal matters 1,950 31 5 36 18.46
11 2 Engaged in vegetable matters 6,322 124 32 156 24.68
12 1 Engaged in mining 36,066 778 112 890 24.68
12 2 & 3 Engaged in coal, stone, clay, earthenware, and glass 3,943 58 11 69 17.50
12 4, 5, & 6 Engaged in metals and water 8,496 140 20 160 18.83
13 1 Labourers 22,033 974 171 1,145 51.97
13 2 Indefinite occupations 3,703 31 27 58 15.66
14 1 Of independent means 1,979 95 12 107 54.07
15 1 Paupers, mendicants, &c.* 7,924 35 1 36
15 2 Prisoners, criminal classes 1,977 44 1 45 22.77
Occupation not stated 7,912 438 91 529 66.86
Total 862,346 13,203 1,364 14,567 16.89