Class. Order. Sub-order. Occupations. Victoria. Queensland. South Australia. Western Australia. Tasmania. New Zealand.
Total population 862,346 213,525 279,865 29,708 115,705 489,933
Population of specified occupations 854,434 211,689 277,504 29,612 114,722 488,120
I. 1 1 Officers of general government 3,477 1,283 1,965 289 593 1,972
I. 1 2 Officers of local government 518 118 142 14 34 261
I. 1 3 Engaged in defence 499 25 22 180 34 730
I. 2 1 Clergymen, ministers, and church officers 1,237 374 469 119 203 747
I. 2 2 Law court officers, lawyers, and their immediate subordinates 1,243 285 268 25 205 844
I. 2 3 Physicians, surgeons, druggists, &c. 1,595 406 765 46 170 810
I. 2 4 Authors, literary persons, &c. 197 39 97 4 16 121
I. 2 5 Scientific persons 300 84 204 19 26 270
I. 2 6 Teachers 6,795 1,365 1,661 250 860 3,437
I. 2 7 Artists 734 104 143 4 55 331
I. 2 8 Musicians, music teachers, &c. 1,289 138 224 15 91 447
I. 2 9 Actors, &c. 560 104 64 33 256
II. 3 1 Wives and widows of no specified occupation 101,035 24,782 43,743 10,318 16,621 70,347
II. 3 2 Sons, daughters, relatives, visitors (not otherwise described) 179,922 10,091 77,675 25,849 120,607
II. 3 3 Scholars (so described) 184,655 76,912 42,141 6,327 21,215 105,658
II. 4 1 Engaged in boarding and lodging 7,475 1,597 2,089 127 790 3,196
II. 4 2 Engaged in attendance 31,234 9,056 9,388 1,018 4,487 16,742
III. 5 1 Mercantile persons 11,332 2,027 3,795 242 723 6,770
III. 5 2 Other general dealers 6,284 1,809 1,774 230 832 2,907
III. 6 1 Carriers on railways (not railway construction) 3,098 668 808 55 263 1,157
III. 6 2 Carriers on roads 8,291 3,115 3,466 503 700 3,574
III. 6 3 Carriers on seas and rivers 3,363 1,911 2,530 431 969 4,518
III. 6 4 Engaged in storage 1,257 342 621 33 131 1,006
III. 6 5 Messengers and porters 1,559 870 294 7 266 1,118
IV. 7 1 Engaged in agricultural pursuits 108,919 22,004 30,330 3,336 17,748 42,722
IV. 7 2 Engaged in pastoral pursuits 10,608 8,333 3,686 1,288 860 5,541
IV. 7 3 Engaged on land (not cultivating or grazing) 1,377 1,478 738 42 293 3,924
IV. 7 4 Engaged in about animals 3,298 1,452 66 97 507 2,260
V. 8 1 Engaged in books 3,492 805 831 67 281 2,031
V. 8 2 Engaged in musical instruments 139 16 25 10 63
V. 8 3 Engaged in prints and pictures 200 21 31 2 7 58
V. 8 4 Engaged in carving and figures 162 18 33 4 32
V. 8 5 Engaged in tackle for sports and games 26 4 5
V. 8 6 Engaged in designs, medals, and dies 87 12 104 3 7
V. 8 7 Engaged in watches and philosophical instruments 570 100 148 13 58 338
V. 8 8 Engaged in surgical instruments 21 4 5 3
V. 8 9 Engaged in arms 71 25 16 3 7 35
V. 8 10 Engaged in machines and tools 994 327 537 6 69 750
V. 8 11 Engaged in carriages, harness, and implements 3,556 971 1,545 159 368 1,521
V. 8 12 Engaged in ships and boats 608 212 254 53 188 752
V. 8 13 Engaged in houses and buildings 16,162 3,458 6,834 516 1,892 11,947
V. 8 14 Engaged in furniture 1,748 358 531 34 209 1,079
V. 8 15 Engaged in chemicals 229 12 16 1 6 71
V. 9 1 Engaged in textile fabrics 4,642 645 988 11 390 2,026
V. 9 2 Engaged in dress 29,599 3,485 5,875 515 2,941 9,653
V. 9 3 Engaged in fibrous materials 307 44 31 3 4 251
V. 10 1 Engaged in animal food 6,693 1,875 1,873 118 586 3,043
V. 10 2 Engaged in vegetable food 4,309 837 1,405 102 695 2,305
V. 10 3 Engaged in drinks and stimulants 4,275 776 1,065 35 355 1,715
V. 11 1 Engaged in animal matters 1,950 260 320 153 274 746
V. 11 2 Engaged in vegetable matters 6,322 2,906 1,027 370 1,276 4,126
V. 12 1 Engaged in mining 36,066 11,439 2,196 102 3,090 14,273
V. 12 2 Engaged in coal 444 339 46 12 59 294
V. 12 3 Engaged in stone, clay, earthenware, and glass 3,499 2,063 4,706 88 754 4,181
V. 12 4 Engaged in water 124 388 64 1 15 56
V. 12 5 Engaged in gold, silver, and precious stones 648 83 86 7 24 157
V. 12 6 Engaged in metals other than gold and silver 7,724 1,634 2,941 233 922 3,749
VI. 13 1 Labourers (branch undefined) 22,033 4,609 8,660 1,003 3,970 14,904
VI. 13 2 Other indefinite occupations 3,703 924 3,491 108 514 1,807
VI. 14 Persons of property or rank not returned under any office or occupation 1,979 116 729 96 559 399
VI. 15 1 Persons supported from voluntary sources and public revenue 7,924 1,739 1,397 494 516 2,719
VI. 15 2 Criminal classes 1,977 412 526 285 105 751
Occupation not stated 7,912 1,836 2,361 96 983 1,813