Government and municipal officers, police 20
Army and navy 38
Irregular clergy 2
Lawyers, law clerks 6
Medical men, druggists 17
Literature, science, connected with 5
Schoolmasters 12
Artists, engravers 5
Musicians, vocalists 5
Exhibitions, connected with 3
Hotel, boarding-house—keepers 15
Servants 28
Merchants, clerks, &c. 132
Shopkeepers, hawkers 49
Railway servants 6
Draymen, cabdrivers 37
Officers, sailors, engineers (merchant service), watermen 1,033
Storemen 5
Telegraph service 2
Farmers, squatters, and others engaged on land and about animals 567
Booksellers, binders, printers 31
Musical instrument dealers 3
Picture dealers 7
Diesinkers 2
Watchmakers, opticians 9
Gunsmiths 2
Engine, tool, agricultural implement-makers 27
Coach, harness—makers 23
Shipbuilders, sailmakers 46
Builders, carpenters, bricklayers, masons 227
Painters, plumbers, glaziers 24
Furniture makers, carvers 24
Dyers, warehousemen, drapers 91
Tailors, shoemakers, and others in dress 113
Rope, tent—makers 5
Butchers, poulterers, dairymen 85
Millers, bakers, confectioners 92
Workers, dealers in drinks and stimulants 63
Tanners, curriers, soapboilers 15
Wood merchants, fencers, coopers, sawyers 53
Copper, iron, lead, tin, coal—miners 96
Coalheavers, chimney sweepers 4
Quarrymen, brickmakers 41
Goldsmiths, jewellers 14
Workers and dealers in metals (not precious) 118
Labourers 147
Engine-drivers 46
Indefinite pursuits 27
Gentlemen, independent means 6
Previous occupation not stated 31,756
Total 45,184