TABLE XXVI.—THE COLONY ; CITIES, TOWNS, AND BOROUGHS ; SHIRES AND ROAD DISTRICTS ; PLACES OUTSIDE LOCAL JURISDICTION ; GOLDFIELDS.—MALES.—Showing the Occupations of Males, at all Ages and under and over Twenty Years of Age, in the Colony ; in the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs ; in the Shires and Road Districts ; in Places outside Local Jurisdiction ; and on the Goldfields, on the 2nd April 1871—continued.
Occupations of Males. The Colony of Victoria. Cities, Towns, and Boroughs. Shires and Road Districts. Places outside Local Jurisdiction. Goldfields.
All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years.
Sub-order 2.—In vegetable food :
Corn, flour, meal—merchant, dealer, and assistants 373 45 328 322 36 286 51 9 42 138 14 124
Miller, flour-mill worker 600 86 514 303 40 263 297 46 251 155 21 134
Baker 1,810 381 1,429 1,389 310 1,079 416 71 345 5 5 648 132 906
Confectioner, pastrycook 328 82 246 297 75 222 31 7 24 93 15 78
Greengrocer, fruiterer, and assistants 448 48 400 395 43 352 53 5 48 167 17 150
Seed merchant, dealer, and assistants 48 10 38 43 10 33 5 5 11 4 7
aOthers working and dealing in vegetable food 70 16 54 59 14 45 11 2 9 6 1 5
Sub-order 3.—In drinks and stimulants:
aBrewer and others engaged in brewing 538 62 476 379 43 336 152 19 133 7 7 246 32 214
Maltster 52 5 47 46 5 41 6 6 13 2 11
Wine, spirit—merchant, and assistants 150 15 135 136 14 122 14 1 13 42 4 38
Wine manufacture 16 3 13 4 4 12 3 9 6 6
Distiller, rectifier 19 19 13 13 6 6 2 2
bGingerbeer, sodawater, mineral water, cordial—manufacture 325 62 263 241 47 194 81 15 66 3 3 157 30 127
Sugar-refiner 25 6 19 24 6 18 1 1 1 1
Coffee, chicory—roaster, dealer 40 8 32 40 8 32 10 1 9
Grocer, tea dealer, and assistants 1,857 400 1,457 1,694 353 1,341 162 47 115 1 1 556 141 415
cTobacco, cigar, snuff—manufacture 157 55 102 147 52 95 10 3 7 13 3 10
Tobacconist 166 29 137 158 29 129 6 6 2 2 59 4 55
dOthers working and dealing in drinks and stimulants 80 20 60 79 20 59 1 1 12 2 10
Sub-order 1.—In animal matters :
Soapboiler 72 5 67 63 4 59 9 1 8 31 2 29
Tallow-chandler 68 11 57 62 10 52 6 1 5 15 3 12
Tallow-melter, boiler-down (not meat-preserver) 35 35 28 28 7 7 1 1
Manure manufacturer, dealer 35 4 31 20 2 18 11 2 9 4 4 11 2 9
Hide, skin—salesman, dealer 47 6 41 33 4 29 14 2 12 24 2 22
Fellmonger 335 65 270 284 58 226 45 6 39 6 1 5 36 4 32
Tanner 376 60 316 275 46 229 101 14 87 68 12 56
Currier 215 54 161 178 46 132 36 8 28 1 1 34 10 24
aLeather manufacture 32 10 22 31 10 21 1 1 1 1
Feather dresser, dealer, cleaner 1 1 1 1
Hair brush, broom—maker, dealer 25 14 11 25 14 11 1 1
bOthers engaged in working and dealing in animal matters 137 17 120 127 16 111 10 1 9 25 5 20
Sub-order 2.—In vegetable matters :
Oil, colorman 38 3 35 36 3 33 2 2 8 8
French-polisher 122 40 82 121 40 81 1 1 10 2 8
Japanner 15 3 12 15 3 12
Timber merchant, dealer 292 41 251 247 35 212 43 6 37 2 2 95 9 86
Firewood dealer, seller, chopper 2,602 582 2,020 694 186 508 1,862 390 1,472 46 6 40 1,344 290 1,054
Fencer, hurdle-maker, splitter 2,538 313 2,225 148 26 122 2,358 285 2,073 32 2 30 933 112 821
Turner 111 27 84 106 27 79 5 5 14 3 11
Cooper 384 60 324 326 57 269 58 3 55 90 7 83
Sawyer ; sawmill owner, worker 1,262 132 1,130 246 34 212 987 98 889 29 29 293 27 266
Basket-maker 62 7 55 58 7 51 4 4 5 5
Hay and straw dealer 62 16 46 58 15 43 4 1 3 27 11 16
Chaffcutter 37 9 28 27 6 21 10 3 7 7 3 4
aPaper manufacture 48 24 24 47 24 23 1 1 2 1 1
Stationer and assistants (see also bookseller, Order 8, sub-order 1,ante) 164 38 126 153 37 116 11 1 10 47 12 35