THE COLONY ; CITIES, TOWNS, AND BOROUGHS; SHIRES AND ROAD DISTRICTS ; PLACES OUTSIDE LOCAL JURISDICTION ; GOLDFIELDS.—PERONS.—TABLE XXV.—Showing the Occupations of Persons, of both Sexes, at all Ages and under and over Twenty Years of Age, in the Colony ; in the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs ; in the Shires and Road Districts ; in Places outside Local Jurisdiction ; and on the Goldfields, on the 2nd of April 1871—continued.
Occupations of Persons of both Sexes. The Colony of Victoria. Cities, Towns, and Boroughs. Shires and Road Districts. Places outside Local Jurisdiction. Goldfields.
All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years.
Rag, waste-paper—gatherer, dealer 29 4 25 24 4 20 5 5 26 3 23
Bill sticker, distributor 18 1 17 17 1 16 1 1 10 1 9
bOthers working and dealing in vegetable matters 142 48 94 97 44 53 34 3 31 11 1 10 19 6 13
Sub-order 1.—In mining:
Gold-miner (alluvial) 21,529 1,259 20,270 5,921 303 5,618 15,221 946 14,275 387 10 377 20,567 1,176 19,391
Puddler 1,357 120 1,237 528 37 491 827 83 744 2 2 1,321 116 1,205
Sluicer 4,036 97 3,939 372 14 358 2,887 69 2,818 777 14 763 3,836 85 3,751
Gold-miner (quartz) 8,818 596 8,222 4,668 356 4,312 3,547 231 3,316 603 9 594 8,477 582 7,895
aQuartz crushing, &c. 592 129 463 259 56 203 293 72 221 40 1 39 579 126 453
Gold-miner, miner, digger (not otherwise described) 16,093 1,037 15,056 6,391 403 5,988 9,268 615 8,653 434 19 415 14,284 926 13,358
bMiner (other metals or minerals) 36 2 34 7 7 29 2 27 18 2 16
cOthers engaged in mining 667 94 573 384 56 328 264 38 226 19 19 639 93 546
Sub-order 2.—In coal :
Coal, coke—merchant, dealer, and assistants 56 5 51 55 5 50 1 1 8 8
Coal heaver, laborer 9 3 6 9 3 6
Charcoal burner, dealer 126 13 113 4 4 122 13 109 78 9 69
Chimney-sweeper 30 30 29 29 1 1 6 6
aGasworks service 99 7 92 95 6 89 4 1 3 26 2 24
bOthers working and dealing in coal 1 1 1 1
Sub-order 3.—In stone, clay, earthenware, and glass:
Quarry owner, worker 946 56 890 554 29 525 391 27 364 1 1 117 3 114
Stone cutter, dresser (not mason) 102 13 89 84 11 73 18 2 16 19 2 17
Lime burner, quarrier, dealer 93 17 76 28 2 26 65 15 50 16 4 12
Plaster, cement—maker, dealer 3 3 3 3
Brick maker, dealer 1,175 254 921 747 172 575 425 82 343 3 3 297 58 239
Pottery maker, dealer 76 31 45 40 16 24 36 15 21 17 12 5
Glass maker, dealer 29 4 25 28 4 24 1 1 7 7
China, earthenware—maker, dealer 31 2 29 29 2 27 2 2 6 6
Road, railway—contractor 318 10 308 81 81 233 10 223 4 4 78 2 76
Road surveyor—inspector (not under government or local government) 82 2 80 17 1 16 64 1 63 1 1 12 12
Road, railwaymdahs;laborer, navvy, excavator 4,295 341 3,954 637 61 576 3,629 278 3,351 29 2 27 588 60 528
Nightman, scavenger 48 3 45 45 3 42 3 3 7 7
aOthers working and dealing in stone, clay, earthenware, or glass 51 8 43 49 8 41 2 2 7 7
Sub-order 4.—In water:
aWaterworks service (1)88 4 84 64 3 61 24 1 23 42 1 41
Water carrier, carter, dealer 25 2 23 18 2 16 7 7 18 18
Ice maker, merchant, dealer 1 1 1 1
bOthers working and dealing in water 30 1 29 7 7 23 1 22 9 1 8
Sub-order 5.—In gold, silver, and precious stones:
Goldsmith, silversmith, jeweller 248 65 183 229 64 165 18 1 17 1 1 54 6 48
Lapidary ; Precious stones worker, dealer 4 4 3 3 1 1
Assayer 21 21 19 19 1 1 1 1 9 9
Electroplater, plater 7 1 6 7 1 6 2 2
aOthers working and dealing in gold, silver, and precious stones 20 4 16 18 4 14 2 2 7 1 6
Sub-order 6.—In metals other than gold and silver :
Copper worker, dealer 60 21 39 58 21 37 2 2 2 2
Tin, quicksilver—worker, dealer 693 212 481 595 203 392 98 9 89 230 67 163
Zinc worker, dealer 5 5 5 5
Lead, antimony—worker, dealer 15 3 12 15 3 12 2 1 1
Iron founder, moulder, worker, dealer 548 142 406 536 138 398 12 4 8 201 59 142
Blacksmith, whitesmith 3,825 829 2,996 2,112 517 1,595 1,681 311 1,370 32 1 31 1,576 343 1,233
Ironmonger, hardware dealer, and assistants 539 120 419 490 113 377 49 7 42 159 30 129
Brass founder, moulder, worker, dealer 99 34 65 95 34 61 4 4 9 2 7
Locksmith, bellhanger 34 3 31 30 3 27 4 4 6 1 5
Gasfitter 67 16 51 67 16 51 14 4 10
aOthers working and dealing in metals other than gold and silver 237 46 191 230 44 186 7 2 5 37 9 28