Summary of Cities, Towns, and Boroughs, with Proportions.—Sub-Orders., TABLE XXI.—Showing the Number of Persons, Males, and Females at all Ages, and under and over Twenty Years of Age, of different Occupations, arranged in sixty-two sub-orders, living in Cities, Towns, and Boroughs on the 2nd April 1871, and the Proportions per Cent. of those of each sub-order to the Total of the same column.
Class. Order. Sub-order. Occupations (arranged in sixty-two sub-orders). Numbers.
Persons. Males. Females.
All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years.
TOTAL POPULATION 374,150 187,598 186,552 190,425 91,517 98,908 183,725 96,081 87,644
TOTAL OF SPECIFIED OCCUPATIONS 372,167 187,213 184,954 189,376 91,369 98,007 182,791 95,844 86,947
I. I. 1 Officers of general government 1,977 66 1,911 1,946 66 1,880 31 31
I. I. 2 Officers of local government 274 12 262 273 12 261 1 1
I. I. 3 Defence 237 3 234 237 3 234
I. II. 1 Clergymen, ministers, and church officers 596 3 593 535 1 534 61 2 59
I. II. 2 Law-court officers, lawyers, and their immediate subordinates 974 141 833 973 141 832 1 1
I. II. 3 Physicians, surgeons, druggists, &c. 995 91 904 902 91 811 93 93
I. II. 4 Authors, literary persons, &c. 106 10 96 103 10 93 3 3
I. II. 5 Scientific persons 173 8 165 172 8 164 1 1
I. II. 6 Teachers, &c. 3,360 837 2,523 988 155 833 2,372 682 1,690
I. II. 7 Fine arts 386 60 326 338 49 289 48 11 37
I. II. 8 Musicians, Music teachers 576 82 494 334 28 306 242 54 188
I. II. 9 Actors, &c. 316 37 279 260 21 239 56 16 40
II. III. 1 Wives and Widows of no specified occupation 58,101 870 57,231 58,101 870 57,231
II. III. 2 Sons, daughters, relatives, visitors (not otherwise described) 83,539 77,083 6,456 34,767 34,606 161 48,772 42,477 6,295
II. III. 3 Scholars (so described) 79,768 79,674 94 40,263 40,204 59 39,505 39,470 35
II. IV. 1 In board and lodging 3,368 29 3,339 2,238 20 2,218 1,130 9 1,121
II. IV. 2 In attendance 19,631 7,403 12,228 2,671 528 2,143 16,960 6,875 10,085
III. V. 1 Mercantile persons 6,292 913 5,379 6,143 881 5,262 149 32 117
III. V. 2 Other general dealers 3,545 325 3,220 2,931 281 2,650 614 44 570
III. VI. 1 Carriers on railways (not railway construction) 616 27 589 611 27 584 5 5
III. VI. 2 Carriers on roads 4,581 438 4,143 4,570 438 4,132 11 11
III. VI. 3 Carriers on seas and rivers 1,537 47 1,490 1,532 47 1,485 5 5
III. VI. 4 Engaged in storage 889 65 824 886 64 822 3 1 2
III. VI. 5 Messengers and porters 848 523 325 846 522 324 2 1 1