Increase or Decrease of the Various Occupations.—Males and Females (II.)., TABLE V.—Showing the Number of Males and Females of different Occupations, arranged in fifteen classes, living in Victoria at the various Census Periods from 1854 to 1871, both inclusive, and the Numerical and Centesimal Increase or Decrease of those of each class during the interval between any two Censuses.
Class. Occupations (arranged in fifteen classes). Males.
Number, 1854. Increase or Decrease, 1854 to 1857. Number, 1857. Increase 1857 to 1861. Number, 1861. Increase or Decrease, 1861 to 1871. Number, 1871.
Numerical. Centesimal. Numerical. Centesimal. Numerical. Centesimal.
I. Government.—Persons engaged in the general and local government and defence of the country 3,965 -46 -1.2 3,919 -173 -4.4 3,746 234 6.25 3,980
II. Professional.—Persons in the learned professions (with their immediate subordinates), not in the Government service 1,359 531 39.1 1,890 689 36.5 2,579 671 26.02 3,250
III. Professional.—Persons engaged in literature, fine arts, and sciences 845 930 110.1 1,775 684 38.5 2,459 1,326 53.92 3,785
IV. Trading.—Persons who buy, sell, keep, or lend money or goods 11,647 -254 -2.2 11,393 2,416 21.2 13,809 2,927 21.20 16,736
V. Personal offices.—Persons engaged in entertaining, clothing, and performing personal offices for man 6,845 2,546 37.2 9,391 2,761 29.3 12,152 2,689 22.13 14,841
VI. Manufacturing.—Persons engaged in art and mechanical productions, and in working and dealing in mineral, vegetable, and animal matters 18,461 6,405 34.8 24,866 8,690 34.9 33,556 8,108 24.16 41,664
VII. Gold-mining.—Persons engaged in digging for, washing out, and extracting gold 36,332 50,879 140.0 87,211 -4,238 -4.9 82,973 -29,861 -35.99 53,112
VIII. Agricultural and pastoral.—Persons working land, and engaged in growing grain, fruits, animals, and other products 14,378 17,797 123.8 32,175 13,489 41.9 45,664 14,444 31.63 60,108
IX. Carrying.—Persons engaged in the conveyance of men and goods 11,669 1,436 12.3 13,105 -916 -69.9 12,189 2,648 21.72 14,837
X. Persons dealing in food and drinks 3,307 4,746 143.5 8,053 3,051 37.8 11,104 1,948 17.54 13,052
XI. Miscellaneous pursuits.—Persons engaged in occupations not embraced in other classes 10,236 -1,243 -12.1 8,993 2,205 24.5 11,198 7,377 65.88 18,575
XII. Independent means.—Persons of property and rank not returned under any office or occupation 1,653 -862 -52.1 791 222 28.1 1,013 329 32.48 1,342
XIII. Persons engaged in domestic offices or duties, and of no specified occupation, scholars, &c. 30,215 22,186 73.4 52,401 31,311 59.4 83,712 61,525 73.50 145,237
XIV. Persons maintained at public cost or by the community 2,385 221 9.3 2,606 905 34.7 3,511 3,280 93.42 6,791
XV. Persons whose pursuits have not been specified or who were unemployed 2,590 3,175 122.6 5,765 3,221 55.9 8,986 -5,246 -58.38 3,740
Total 155,887 108,447 51.6 264,334 64,317 39.6 328,651 72,399 22.03 401,050