Occupations in Alphabetical Arrangement., TABLE XLI.—Showing in Alphabetical Arrangement the Occupations followed by the People of Victoria, together with the Number of Persons, Males, and Females of all Ages and over and under Twenty Years of Age following each Occupation, and a reference to the Classification adopted in the Detail Tables., Details of the groups of Occupations marked with letter references are given for Males in Table XXVIII., and for Females in Table XXIX, ante—continued.
Order. Sub-order. Occupations. Persons. Males. Females.
All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years.
9 1 Manchester warehouseman 375 76 299 375 76 299
11 1 Manure manufacturer, dealer 35 4 31 35 4 31
8 3 Map, print—seller 3 3 3 3
8 13 Mason, pavior 1,869 158 1,711 1,869 158 1,711
9 3 Mat, matting—maker, dealer 2 2 1 1 1 1
8 14 Mattress, bed—maker 22 2 20 21 2 19 1 1
13 2 Mechanic, manufacturer (undefined) 79 14 65 77 14 63 2 2
2 3a Medical man (seealso irregular medical man) 434 434 434 434
2 3 Medical student 25 5 20 25 5 20
2 3c Medicine, others connected with 12 2 10 10 2 8 2 2
1 2 Member of local council (not otherwise described) 6 6 6 6
1 1 Member of Parliament (not otherwise described) 15 15 15 15
5 1b Mercantile pursuits, others engaged in 667 16 651 667 16 651
5 1 Merchant 677 3 674 676 3 673 1 1
6 5b Messages, others connected with 92 52 40 91 52 39 1 1
6 5 Messenger, porter (not government or railway) 343 129 214 342 129 213 1 1
12 6a Metals, not gold and silver, others working or dealing in 237 46 191 235 46 189 2 2
2 3 Midwife 130 130 130 130
10 2 Miller, flour-mill worker 600 86 515 600 86 514 1 1
9 2 Milliner, dressmaker 6,579 2,420 4,159 2 2 6,577 2,420 4,157
8 11 Millwright 81 6 75 81 6 75
12 1b Miner, other metals than gold 36 2 34 36 2 34
12 1c Mining, others engaged in 667 94 573 665 94 571 2 2
1 1 Minister of the Crown (not otherwise described) 3 3 3 3
8 4 Modeller 17 3 14 17 3 14
2 8 Music master, mistress 339 56 283 120 7 113 219 49 170
8 2 Music publisher, seller 15 1 14 15 1 14
2 8a Music others connected with 1 1 1 1
8 2 Musical instrument maker, dealer 64 19 45 63 19 44 1 1
8 2 Musical instruments, others connected with 25 3 22 25 3 22
2 8 Musician, vocalist 329 35 294 272 21 251 57 14 43
1 3c Navy officer 42 3 39 42 3 39
1 3d Navy petty officer, sailor 162 12 150 162 12 150
8 1 Newspaper proprietor, editor, publisher 172 1 171 172 1 171
12 3 Nightman, scavenger 48 3 45 48 3 45
No occupation stated 4,461 675 3,786 2,709 273 2,436 1,752 402 1,350
2 1 Nun, sister of charity, &c. 53 2 51 53 2 51
4 2d Nurse (not domestic servant) 764 4 760 764 4 760
4 2c Office keeper, cleaner 31 2 29 14 2 12 17 17
5 1 Officer of benefit society 23 3 20 23 3 20
4 1 Officer of charitable institution 147 4 143 97 4 93 50 50
1 2a Officer of local body 437 19 418 436 19 417 1 1
5 1 Officer of public company 119 19 100 119 19 100
11 2 Oil, colorman 38 3 35 38 3 35
8 7 Optician 11 1 10 11 1 10
10 1 Oyster, shell fish—dealer 26 1 25 26 1 25
8 13 Painter, paperhanger, plumber, glazier 1,942 384 1,558 1,941 383 1,558 1 1
11 2a Paper manufacture 55 25 30 48 24 24 7 1 6
8 6 Pattern-designer 10 2 8 10 2 8
15 1 Pauper, beggar 31 31 22 22 9 9
5 2 Pawnbroker 115 27 88 111 27 84 4 4
1 1 Penal establishment or gaol, engaged in 241 241 223 223 18 18
15 1 Pensioner (Victorian) 57 57 57 57
8 11 Perambulator, wheelchair, velocipede—maker, dealer 3 3 3 3
8 7 Philosophical instrument maker 8 2 6 8 2 6
2 7 Photographer, photographic artist 218 34 184 193 30 163 25 4 21
8 3 Picture cleaner 3 3 3 3
8 14 Picture frame maker 17 7 10 15 6 9 2 1 1
6 3 Pilot 26 26 26 26
12 3 Plaster, cement—maker, dealer 3 3 3 3
8 13 Plasterer 711 106 605 711 106 605
1 1 Police 1,045 1 1,044 1,045 1 1,044
12 3 Pottery maker, dealer (seealso china) 76 31 45 74 29 45 2 2
10 1 Poulterer, game dealer 92 19 73 82 18 64 10 1 9
1 1a Principal officer (government) 60 60 60 60
8 1 Printer, compositor 1,496 530 966 1,494 529 965 2 1 1
8 3a Prints and pictures, others connected with 21 4 17 20 4 16 1 1
15 2 Prisoner 1,844 120 1,724 1,534 96 1,438 310 24 286
14 Property or rank, other persons of 2 2 2 2
15 2 Prostitute 101 10 91 101 10 91
10 1 Provision curer, dealer 229 59 170 227 59 168 2 2
12 1 Puddler (seealso gold-miner, alluvial) 1,357 120 1,237 1,355 120 1,235 2 2
12 3 Quarry owner, worker 946 56 890 946 56 890
12 1a Quartz-crushing, engaged in 592 129 463 590 129 461 2 2