TABLE showing the Occupations of Persons, Males, and Females under and over 20 years of age, in the Colony of Victoria, according to the Returns of the Census taken on the 2nd April 1871.
All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years.
Lawyers (24) 432 432 432 432
Law students (25) 23 5 18 23 5 18
Law clerks(26) 462 139 323 461 139 322 1 1
Others connected with the law (including law agents, law stationers, parliamentary agents, process servers, &c.) 29 4 25 29 4 25
Sub-order 3.—Physicians, surgeons, druggists :
Medical men (27) 434 434 434 434
Medical students 25 5 20 25 5 20
Irregular medical practitioners (including herbalists, medical galvanists and electro-magnetisers, hydropaths, medical botanists, &c. (28) 69 69 68 68 1 1
Dentists (29) 63 10 53 63 10 53
Chemists and druggists (30) 575 81 494 573 81 492 2 2
Midwives 130 130 130 130
Others connected with medicine (including surgerymen, patent medicine vendors, medical agents, surgeons' clerks, &c) (31) 12 2 10 10 2 8 2 2
Sub-order 4.—Authors, literary persons, &c.:
Authors, editors, writers (32) 25 25 22 22 3 3
Reporters, shorthand writers (33) 78 11 67 78 11 67
University graduates (not otherwise described (34) 2 2 2 2
Other literary persons (including interpreters, not law court, lecturers, &c.) 27 1 26 27 1 26
Sub-order 5.—Scientific persons :
Civil engineers (35) 186 8 178 186 8 178
Engineers' draftsmen 7 2 5 7 2 5
Analytical chemists 6 6 6 6
Other scientific persons (including naturalists, botanists, geologists, metallurgists, phrenologists, museum and observatory employes, &c.(2) 33 1 32 32 1 31 1 1
Sub-order 6.—Teachers, &c.:
University professors (37) 3 3 3 3
Inspectors of schools (38) 11 11 11 11
Schoolmasters, mistresses, teachers of common schools (39) 1,829 531 1,298 872 162 710 957 369 588
Schoolmasters, mistresses, teachers of private schools (40) 1,089 202 887 213 20 193 876 182 694
Schoolmasters, mistresses, teachers (schools not not stated) (41) 1,551 266 1,285 687 59 628 864 207 657
Tutors, governesses (42) 841 153 688 94 3 91 747 150 597
Teachers of accomplishments (not music, including teachers of foreign languages, drawing, dancing, drilling, calisthenics, gymnastics, swimming, riding, &c.) (43) 65 1 64 52 1 51 13 13
Others connected with education (including officers in education department and teachers in training, deaf and dumb teachers, &c.) (44) 39 2 37 37 1 36 2 1 1
Sub-order 7.—Fine arts:
Artists, painters (45) 143 16 127 116 9 107 27 7 20
Sculptors 13 1 12 13 1 12