COMPARATIVE TABLE showing the Occupations of Persons, Males, and Females, in the Colony of Victoria, at the Censuses of 1861 and 1871 respectively, according to the system of classification adopted at the former period ; also the Numerical and Centesimal Increase or Decrease of those of each group of occupations between the periods named, and the Proportion per cent. of those of each group to the Total Population—continued.
1861. 1871. NUMERICAL. CENTESIMAL. 1861. 1871.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
2. Shop and storekeepers, warehousemen, dealers, hawkers, &c. 7,850 6,411 1,439 9,747 8,446 1,301 1,897 2,035 -138 24.17 31.74 -9.59 1.461 1.966 0.682 1.339 2.116 0.396
3. Bankers, brokers, accountants, auctioneers, commission agents, &c. 1,901 1,891 10 3,439 3,380 59 1,538 1,489 49 80.90 78.74 490.00 0.354 0.580 0.005 0.472 0.847 0.018
4. Commercial clerks, assistants in shops, storemen, salesmen, &c. 5,070 4,743 327 4,404 4,234 170 -666 -509 -157 -13.14 -10.73 -48.01 0.944 1.454 0.155 0.605 1.061 0.052
CLASS V.—PERSONAL OFFICES.—Persons engaged in entertaining, clothing, and performing personal offices for man :
Sub-class :
1. Inn and lodging-house keepers, barmen, barmaids, &c. 4,632 3,109 1,523 9,863 5,545 4,318 5,231 2,436 2,795 112.93 78.35 183.52 0.862 0.953 0.721 1.355 1.389 1.313
2. Tailors, shoemakers, dressmakers, outfitters, hatters, &c. 8,115 4,144 3,971 17,013 6,960 10,053 8,898 2,816 6,082 109.65 67.95 153.16 1.510 1.271 1.881 2.337 1.744 3.056
3. Domestic servants (general), cooks, coachmen (private servants), grooms (private servants), &c. 23,695 4,899 18,796 25,041 2,336 22,705 1,346 -2,563 3,909 5.68 -52.32 20.80 4.410 1.502 8.904 3.440 0.585 6.903
CLASS VI.—MANUFACTURING.—Persons engaged in art and mechanical productions, and in working and dealing in mineral, vegetable, and animal matters :
Sub-class :
1. Contractors, special branch in which they work being undefined 468 467 1 858 857 1 390 390 83.33 83.51 0.087 0.143 0.000 0.118 0.214 0.000
2. Masons, bricklayers, slaters, hodmen, plasterers, &c. 4,193 4,193 3,761 3,761 -432 -432 -10.30 -10.30 0.780 1.286 0.517 0.942
3. Quarrymen, brickmakers, road and railway laborers, &c. 8,047 8,040 7 7,011 7,009 2 -1,036 -1,031 -5 -12.87 -12.82 -71.43 1.498 2.465 0.003 0.963 1.756 0.001
4. Blacksmiths, whitesmiths, founders, mechanical engineers, &c. 5,647 5,618 29 8,635 8,624 11 2,988 3,006 -18 52.91 53.51 -62.07 1.051 1.722 0.014 1.186 2.161 0.003
5. Builders, carpenters, building surveyors, timber merchants, sawyers, &c. 8,508 8,489 19 10,397 10,390 7 1,889 1,901 -12 22.20 22.39 -63.16 1.584 2.602 0.009 1.428 2.603 0.002
6. Cabinet-makers, furniture dealers, carvers and gilders, turners, &c. 1,083 1,020 63 2,007 1,924 83 924 904 20 85.32 88.63 31.75 0.202 0.313 0.030 0.276 0.482 0.025
7. Coach and cart makers, wheelwrights, implement makers, &c. 1,754 1,748 6 2,184 2,180 4 430 432 -2 24.52 24.71 -33.33 0.326 0.536 0.003 0.300 0.546 0.100
8. Other artisans and mechanics, printers, bookbinders, coopers, &c. 3,140 3,060 80 5,396 5,124 272 2,256 2,064 192 71.84 67.45 240.00 0.584 0.938 0.043 0.741 1.284 0.083
9. Tanners, fellmongers, soap-boilers, wool-sorters, charcoal-burners, &c. 940 921 19 1,817 1,795 22 877 874 3 93.30 94.90 15.79 0.175 0.282 0.009 0.250 0.449 0.007
CLASS VII.—GOLD MINING.—Persons engaged in digging for, washing out, and extracting gold :
Sub-class :
1. Miners puddling 5,848 5,839 9 1,357 1,355 2 -4,491 -4,484 -7 -76.79 -76.79 -77.78 1.089 1.791 0.004 0.186 0.340 0.001
2. Miners sluicing 4,433 4,432 1 4,036 4,036 -397 -396 -1 -8.96 8.94 -100.00 0.825 1.359 0.000 0.554 1.011
3. Miners quartz crushing 7,713 7,700 13 8,818 8,818 1,105 1,118 -13 14.33 14.52 -100.00 1.436 2.361 0.006 1.211 2.210
4. Miners quartz crushing, amalgamating, &c. 1,133 1,128 5 592 590 2 -541 -538 -3 -47.75 -47.70 -60.00 0.211 0.346 0.002 0.081 0.148 0.001
5. Miners alluvial sinking 42,559 42,489 70 21,529 21,525 4 -21,030 -20,964 -66 -49.42 -49.34 -94.29 7.922 13.029 0.033 2.957 5.394 0.001
6. Miners (branch of gold mining undefined), diggers, &c. 20,204 20,159 45 16,093 16,087 6 -4,111 -4,072 -39 -20.35 -20.20 -86.67 3.761 6.182 0.021 2.211 4.031 0.002
7. Mining surveyors, officers of mining companies, members of mining boards (not otherwise returned) 202 202 326 324 2 124 122 2 61.38 60.39 Infinite 0.038 0.062 0.045 0.081 0.000
8. Engineers, engine-drivers and stokers to mining engines, &c. 372 372 193 193 -179 -179 -48.12 -48.12 0.069 0.114 0.027 0.048