TABLE showing the Occupations of Persons, Males, and Females under and over 20 years of age, in the Colony of Victoria, according to the Returns of the Census taken on the 2nd April 1871—continued.
All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years. All Ages. Under 20 Years. Over 20 Years.
Carpenters, joiners(17) 6,107 527 5,580 6,107 527 5,580
Bricklayers(18) 1,080 140 940 1,080 140 940
Masons, paviors(19) 1,869 158 1,711 1,869 158 1,711
Slaters, shinglers, tilers(20) 85 11 74 85 11 74
Plasterers(21) 711 106 605 711 106 605
Painters, paperhangers, plumbers, glaziers(22) 1,942 384 1,558 1,941 383 1,558 1 1
Contractors for public buildings(23) 63 2 61 63 2 61
Others engaged in houses and buildings (including blind and venetian blind makers, moulding-makers, builders' and architects' clerks, &c.)(24) 50 13 37 48 13 35 2 2
Sub-order 14.—In furniture :
Furniture-makers, cabinetmakers, upholsterers(25) 940 176 764 893 167 726 47 9 38
Furniture brokers, dealers 76 8 68 70 8 62 6 6
Picture-frame makers 17 7 10 15 6 9 2 1 1
Carvers and gilders 58 17 41 58 17 41
Mattress, bed—makers 22 2 20 21 2 19 1 1
Others working and dealing in furniture (including carpet planners and cleaners, undertakers, &c.) 67 8 59 64 8 56 3 3
Sub-order 15.—In chemicals :
Manufacturing chemists 10 1 9 10 1 9
Drysalters 1 1 1 1
Dyers, scourers, calenderers(26) 90 14 76 74 13 61 16 1 15
Asphalte makers, workers 4 2 2 4 2 2
Others working and dealing in chemicals (including blacking-makers, ink-makers, opium dealers, washing-powder makers, salt manufacturers, varnish-makers, match and fuel makers, &c.)(27) 202 14 188 192 10 182 10 4 6
Sub-order 1.—In textile fabrics :
Manchester warehousemen and assistants(28) 375 76 299 375 76 299
Drapers, linendrapers, mercers, and assistants(29) 2,324 576 1,748 2,046 531 1,515 278 45 233
Woolstaplers(30) 166 14 152 165 14 151 1 1
Woollen manufacturers (all branches) (including woollen mill agents, managers, clerks, weavers, &c., woollen factory workers, warpers, carders, spinners, fullers, finishers, &c.)(31) 146 74 72 101 50 51 45 24 21
Woollen dealers(32) 85 10 75 84 10 74 1 1
Silk dealers 1 1 1 1
Cotton, flax—manufacture (all branches)(33) 6 1 5 5 5 1 1
Others working and dealing in textile fabrics (including factory workers undefined, flock manufacturers, muslin stampers, flag makers, embroiderers, fancy needle workers, &c.)(34) 67 9 58 40 6 34 27 3 24
Sub-order 2.—In dress :
Hairdressers, wig-makers(35) 280 24 256 274 24 250 6 6
Hatters, cap-makers ; straw, cabbagetree, hat, bonnet—makers(36) 284 79 205 150 25 125 134 54 80
Furriers(37) 22 1 21 17 17 5 1 4
Tailors, tailoresses(38) 2,823 888 1,935 1,510 182 1,328 1,313 706 607
Clothes dealers, outfitters, slopsellers, and assistants(39) 61 12 49 56 11 45 5 1 4
Milliners, dressmakers(40) 6,579 2,420 4,159 2 2 6,577 2,420 4,157
Shirtmakers, seamstresses(41) 935 161 774 935 161 774
Clothing manufacture (including pressers, crimean shirtmakers, clerks, &c., to clothing factory, staymakers, cutters, &c.) 129 28 101 92 17 75 37 11 26
Machinists, sewing machinists (not otherwise described)(42) 842 417 425 842 417 425
Hosiers, haberdashers, glovers 17 17 11 11 6 6
Shoe, boot—makers, dealers(43) 4,916 1,348 3,568 4,843 1,322 3,521 73 26 47
Shoemakers' wives 109 3 106 109 3 106
Shoeblacks 5 5 5 5