Summary by Quinquennial Age Periods.—Proportion to Living Population., TABLE IV.—Showing the Proportion of every 10,000 of the Population living at Quinquennial Periods of Age to the Total Number of Persons suffering from each description of Infirmity, according to the returns of the Census of 1871.
Proportion of every 10,000 living at each Age period.
Ages. Total Cases of Infirmity. Sick. Suffering from Accidents. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. Lunatics. Idiots. Epileptic. Crippled and Deformed.
All Ages 178.60 118.10 18.04 2.76 6.86 25.54 1.48 3.02 2.80
Under 5 years 53.75 49.98 1.46 0.85 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.43
5 years to 10 years 48.27 30.15 4.32 4.79 3.29 1.22 1.03 1.03 2.44
10 years to 15 years 66.50 34.94 8.53 5.03 4.91 2.69 2.92 2.69 4.79
15 years to 20 years 111.07 65.76 11.42 5.16 4.79 7.92 3.31 8.84 3.87
20 years to 25 years 150.27 96.59 17.08 2.64 3.66 20.34 3.25 4.88 1.83
25 years to 30 years 169.28 100.57 18.89 1.67 3.52 36.85 2.04 4.63 1.11
30 years to 35 years 201.91 117.08 24.54 1.75 4.21 49.78 0.35 1.93 2.27
35 years to 40 years 245.89 147.50 29.34 1.46 7.13 55.76 0.81 2.27 1.62
40 years to 45 years 290.70 176.29 30.27 1.71 11.80 63.40 1.33 1.71 4.19
45 years to 50 years 351.64 230.52 43.88 0.90 11.72 59.51 0.30 3.31 1.50
50 years to 55 years 423.48 299.28 42.07 1.60 16.43 55.69 0.80 3.20 4.41
55 years to 60 years 568.90 414.22 54.29 2.97 24.54 58.01 8.18 6.69
60 years to 65 years 714.78 531.86 57.66 3.98 35.79 62.63 1.99 7.95 12.92
65 years to 70 years 968.07 748.41 79.32 6.10 65.08 42.71 4.07 12.21 10.17
70 years to 75 years 1221.65 1025.10 63.50 66.53 30.24 18.14 18.14
75 years to 80 years 1507.58 1266.73 71.36 8.92 133.81 8.92 17.84
80 years and upwards 1621.62 1294.45 71.12 14.22 142.25 42.68 14.22 28.45 14.23
Unspecified 125.98 47.78 4.34 69.51 4.35
All Ages 199.08 122.55 28.65 3.02 9.08 27.95 1.45 3.09 3.29
Under 5 years 52.44 47.52 2.03 1.36 0.34 0.34 0.51 0.34
5 years to 10 years 51.36 29.51 6.35 5.60 3.74 1.68 0.93 1.12 2.43
10 years to 15 years 71.62 33.26 13.02 5.81 5.81 3.02 2.79 3.02 4.89
15 years to 20 years 102.73 47.53 19.55 6.13 5.37 6.52 3.83 9.20 4.60
20 years to 25 years 152.67 84.30 30.62 2.10 3.36 21.81 2.93 4.61 2.94
25 years to 30 years 171.20 85.43 32.43 2.44 5.23 35.91 3.14 5.23 1.39
30 years to 35 years 205.55 105.05 38.75 1.82 5.45 49.95 0.30 1.51 2.72
35 years to 40 years 254.55 135.27 42.99 1.57 9.18 60.56 1.05 1.84 2.09
40 years to 45 years 298.46 172.63 43.30 1.15 14.72 59.44 1.16 1.73 4.33
45 years to 50 years 346.37 211.92 57.42 0.91 14.59 56.51 3.65 1.37
50 years to 55 years 421.02 284.32 54.68 1.22 21.26 52.25 0.61 1.82 4.86
55 years to 60 years 602.61 421.71 77.20 3.46 26.50 54.15 10.37 9.22
60 years to 65 years 743.80 538.78 77.88 4.77 41.32 54.04 1.59 7.95 17.47
65 years to 70 years 1098.28 827.84 98.95 9.89 82.45 49.47 13.19 16.49
70 years to 75 years 1527.64 1271.36 80.40 100.50 30.15 20.10 25.13
75 years to 80 years 1714.29 1443.61 90.23 15.04 165.41
80 years and upwards 1646.19 1400.49 73.71 98.28 24.57 24.57 24.57
Unspecified 136.01 47.31 5.91 76.88 5.91
All Ages 153.75 112.69 5.17 2.45 4.18 22.60 1.51 2.94 2.21
Under 5 years 55.08 52.48 0.87 0.35 0.34 0.35 0.17 0.52
5 years to 10 years 45.15 30.79 2.27 3.96 2.83 0.76 1.13 0.95 2.46
10 years to 15 years 61.32 36.65 3.99 4.23 3.99 2.35 3.06 2.35 4.70
15 years to 20 years 118.79 82.62 3.90 4.26 4.25 9.22 2.84 8.51 3.19
20 years to 25 years 148.01 108.15 4.34 3.16 3.94 18.95 3.55 5.13 0.79
25 years to 30 years 167.11 117.73 3.56 0.79 1.58 37.92 0.79 3.95 0.79
30 years to 35 years 196.90 133.63 5.00 1.67 2.50 49.54 0.41 2.49 1.66
35 years to 40 years 231.86 167.31 7.22 1.27 3.82 47.99 0.43 2.97 0.85
40 years to 45 years 275.62 183.37 5.03 2.80 6.15 71.00 1.68 1.68 3.91
45 years to 50 years 361.84 266.53 17.65 0.88 6.18 65.31 0.88 2.65 1.76
50 years to 55 years 428.24 328.24 17.65 2.35 7.06 62.35 1.18 5.88 3.53
55 years to 60 years 507.55 400.59 12.58 2.10 20.97 65.02 4.19 2.10
60 years to 65 years 666.31 520.31 23.89 2.65 26.55 76.98 2.66 7.96 5.31
65 years to 70 years 758.62 620.69 47.75 37.13 31.83 10.61 10.61
70 years to 75 years 759.30 653.00 37.96 15.19 30.37 15.19 7.59
75 years to 80 years 1206.14 1008.77 43.86 87.72 21.93 43.86
80 years and upwards 1587.84 1148.65 67.57 33.78 202.70 101.35 33.79
Unspecified 98.20 49.10 49.10