The Colony, Cities, Towns, and Boroughs, Shires and Road Districts.—(I.), TABLE VII.—Showing the Number of Persons, Males and Females, of different Nationalities in the Colony of Victoria, in the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs, in the Shires and Road Districts, and in places outside Local Jurisdiction ; and exhibiting in detail the Subdivisions of the various groups of Nationalities given in the other Tables.
Where Born. The Colony. Cities, Towns, and Boroughs. Shires and Road Districts. Places outside Local Jurisdiction.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
TOTAL POPULATION OF VICTORIA 731,528 401,050 330,478 374,150 190,425 183,725 345,847 202,429 143,418 11,531 8,196 3,335
In Victoria (1) 329,597 165,573 164,024 163,460 80,153 83,307 163,030 83,656 79,374 3,107 1,764 1,343
Other Australian Colonies and New Zealand—
New South Wales (1) 8,316 4,148 4,168 4,537 2,048 2,489 3,583 1,986 1,597 196 114 82
South Australia (1) 6,894 3,449 3,445 3,529 1,637 1,892 3,327 1,790 1,537 38 22 16
Queensland (1) 663 331 332 433 203 230 223 123 100 7 5 2
Western Australia 312 161 151 179 83 96 127 75 52 6 3 3
Tasmania 9,297 4,597 4,700 5,354 2,330 3,024 3,780 2,159 1,621 163 108 55
North Australia (sic) 2 2 1 1 1 1
Australia (colony not named) 1,638 852 786 786 369 417 842 476 366 10 7 3
New Zealand 1,547 768 779 1,159 553 606 371 204 167 17 11 6
England 164,287 97,796 66,491 96,479 52,628 43,851 65,217 43,088 22,129 2,591 2,080 511
Wales 6,614 4,189 2,425 3,653 2,158 1,495 2,839 1,934 905 122 97 25
Scotland 56,210 31,475 24,735 26,699 13,733 12,966 28,522 17,005 11,517 989 737 252
Ireland 100,468 49,198 51,270 50,127 20,855 29,272 48,641 27,286 21,355 1,700 1,057 643
Other British Possessions—
Africa 59 32 27 37 17 20 21 14 7 1 1
America (British North) 1,319 981 338 670 448 222 593 480 113 56 53 3
Antigua 20 15 5 16 11 5 4 4
Ascension 4 3 1 4 3 1
Asia (country not stated, British subject) 1 1 1 1
Barbadoes 34 25 9 20 12 8 14 13 1
Bahamas 6 6 4 4 2 2
Bermuda 22 16 6 11 10 1 11 6 5
Cape of Good Hope 326 165 161 222 108 114 97 51 46 7 6 1
Ceylon 58 35 23 42 23 19 15 11 4 1 1
Dominica 4 4 3 3 1 1
Falkland Islands 1 1 1 1
Gibraltar 59 30 29 45 26 19 11 2 9 3 2 1
Grenada 6 4 2 1 1 5 4 1 2
Guiana (British) 43 27 16 30 17 13 11 8 3 2 2
Heligoland 20 17 3 9 8 1 10 8 2 1 1