BIRTHPLACES OF THE PEOPLE. TABLE XVII.—COUNTIES IN DETAIL.—Showing the Birthplaces of Persons, Males, and Females, in the Principal Places in each County—continued.
Where Born. Grant.
Geelong Town. Newtown and Chilwell Borough.
Kardina Ward. Thompson Ward. Villamanta Ward.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
TOTAL 1,652 753 899 5,187 2,433 2,754 1,358 645 713 4,749 2,190 2,559
In Victoria 819 374 445 2,595 1,288 1,307 650 306 344 2,402 1,161 1,241
Other Australian Colonies & New Zealand 45 18 27 180 84 96 45 21 24 168 76 92
England 403 193 210 1,314 617 697 341 179 162 1,299 615 684
Wales 6 2 4 16 10 6 5 3 2 13 8 5
Scotland 159 79 80 389 161 228 116 50 66 307 139 168
Ireland 181 64 117 628 227 401 169 65 104 472 145 327
Other British Possessions 11 5 6 24 16 8 11 4 7 30 12 18
In France and French Colonies 3 2 1 5 3 2 3 2 1 1 1
Germany 13 6 7 9 6 3 3 3 8 3 5
Austria 1 1
Other European Countries 3 3 6 6 10 9 1 6 5 1
United States of America 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 1
China 1 1 6 6
Other Countries 4 1 3
At Sea 5 3 2 15 11 4 4 3 1 17 11 6
Unspecified 4 3 1 11 4 7