BIRTHPLACES OF THE PEOPLE. TABLE XVII.—COUNTIES IN DETAIL.—Showing the Birthplaces of Persons, Males, and Females, in the Principal Places in each County—continued.
Where Born. Delatite.
Benalla Shire (part of(1)).
South-West Riding.
Violettown Township. Longwood Township. Euroa Township. Outside Townships.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
TOTAL 255 138 117 152 81 71 197 115 82 576 370 206
In Victoria 132 63 69 78 37 41 113 66 47 286 158 128
Other Australian Colonies & New Zealand 2 1 1 7 6 1 10 6 4 30 22 8
England 48 34 14 24 18 6 39 26 13 92 71 21
Wales 2 2
Scotland 4 2 2 18 8 10 13 6 7 31 20 11
Ireland 65 36 29 21 9 12 19 9 10 122 84 38
Other British Possessions 2 1 1 1 1 4 4
In France and French Colonies
Germany 1 1 3 3
Other European Countries 2 1 1 1 1 5 5
United States of America
China 1 1
Other Countries
At Sea 1 1 1 1 1 1
Unspecified 1 1