Counties in Detail., TABLE XVII.—Showing the Birthplaces of Persons, Males, and Females, in the Principal Places in each County—continued.
Where Born. Borung.
Ararat Shire (part of (4)). St. Arnaud Shire (part of (5)).
North Riding. West Riding.
Moyston Township. Warrak Township. Outside Townships.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
TOTAL 510 249 261 79 39 40 1,404 831 573 243 160 83
In Victoria 265 119 146 47 21 26 671 359 312 108 58 50
Other Australian Colonies and New Zealand 19 7 12 4 1 3 64 39 25 8 5 3
England 95 60 35 9 7 2 237 144 93 57 49 8
Wales 10 5 5 1 1 17 14 3 1 1
Scotland 46 20 26 11 6 5 136 75 61 42 29 13
Ireland 63 28 35 7 3 4 165 94 71 23 16 7
Other British Possessions 4 2 2 19 18 1 1 1
In France and French Colonies 2 1 1
Germany 1 1 8 6 2 1 1
Other European Countries 4 4 19 19 1 1
United States of America 3 3 6 6
China 51 51
Other Countries
At Sea 6 3 3 1 1
Unspecified 3 2 1