Summary by Counties., TABLE XI.—Showing the Birthplaces of Persons, Males and Females, in each County.
Where Born. Heytesbury. Kara-kara. Karkarooc. Lowan.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
TOTAL 3,059 1,643 1,416 9,611 6,082 3,529 349 261 88 1,883 1,154 729
In Victoria 1,782 897 885 4,089 2,074 2,015 182 116 66 847 451 396
Other Australian Colonies and New Zealand 98 65 33 332 169 163 18 16 2 156 98 58
England 403 254 149 1,944 1,378 566 66 57 9 378 294 84
Wales 13 7 6 87 70 17 4 4 2 2
Scotland 231 132 99 843 524 319 38 31 7 219 141 78
Ireland 492 259 233 864 469 395 32 28 4 236 130 106
Other British Possessions 3 3 58 49 9 3 3 8 7 1
In France and French Colonies 1 1 22 21 1 4 4
Germany 15 10 5 114 89 25 2 2 11 10 1
Austria 5 5
Other European Countries 1 1 61 61 3 3 6 6
United States of America 8 6 2 45 39 6 1 1 2 2
China 2 2 1,114 1,114 3 3
Other Countries 6 5 1
At Sea 7 4 3 20 8 12 7 4 3
Unspecified 3 2 1 7 7 4 4