Summary by Electoral District., TABLE XII.—Showing the Religions of Persons, Males, and Females, living in each Electoral District—continued.
Religious Denominations. North Gippsland. South Gippsland. South Grant. Grenville. Kilmore. Kyneton Boroughs. Maldon.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
TOTAL 15,530 9,405 6,125 2,774 1,666 1,108 21,626 11,631 9,995 23,670 13,458 10,212 2,838 1,488 1,350 7,133 3,741 3,392 8,424 4,779 3,645
Church of England, Episcopalians (not otherwise defined) 6,399 3,749 2,650 1,243 773 470 6,997 3,908 3,089 7,084 4,033 3,051 561 310 251 2,457 1,322 1,135 3,043 1,726 1,317
Free Church of England 8 5 3 6 6 8 8
Protestants (not otherwise defined) 49 41 8 18 12 6 45 31 14 54 35 19 2 1 1 20 13 7
Presbyterian Church of Victoria 1,869 1,029 840 310 188 122 2,910 1,521 1,389 3,433 1,836 1,597 481 253 228 854 452 402 542 289 253
Free Presbyterian Church of Victoria, and Free Presbyterians (undefined) 796 488 308 101 75 26 845 465 380 989 528 461 32 18 14 189 102 87 210 114 96
Reformed Presbyterians Church, Covenanters 3 3 31 18 13 8 6 2
Presbyterians (not otherwise defined) 96 65 31 4 3 1 245 130 115 198 104 94 10 6 4 9 4 5 112 58 54
Other Presbyterians 1 1 1 1
Wesleyan Methodists—
United Methodist Free Church 2 1 1 38 19 19 1 1
New Connection Methodists 8 8 1 1
Primitive Methodists 45 26 19 3 3 313 168 145 713 372 341 64 29 35 11 7 4 167 78 89
Bible Christians 217 112 105 28 13 15 6 1 5 199 111 88
Wesleyan Methodists (not otherwise defined) 796 414 362 222 126 96 2,878 1,502 1,376 3,771 1,993 1,778 98 50 48 654 338 316 1,559 782 777
Other Wesleyan Methodists 7 2 5
Other Protestants—
Independents, or Congregationalists 197 124 73 65 29 36 262 139 123 252 140 112 15 8 7 346 187 159 296 154 142
Baptists 112 65 47 16 12 4 294 146 148 239 118 121 48 23 25 210 109 101 291 160 131
Lutherans, German Protestants 209 169 40 21 17 4 390 236 154 233 168 65 6 5 1 29 20 9 162 108 54
Disciples of Christ, Christians 1 1 1 1 46 22 24 2 2
Moravians, United Brethren 12 5 7
Calvinists, Calvinistic Methodists 15 12 3 47 31 16 59 37 22 64 36 28
Society of Friends 2 2 4 2 2
Unitarians 32 24 8 2 2 1 1 7 6 1 1 1 1 1 4 4
Other Protestants 3 3 2 2 5 2 3 1 1 6 2 4 3 3
Roman Catholics 3,544 1,954 1,590 720 380 340 5,493 2,754 2,739 4,992 2,726 2,266 1,492 764 728 2,165 1,062 1,103 1,015 513 502
Catholics (not otherwise defined) 9 5 4 7 6 1 33 13 20 31 15 16 5 3 2 13 8 5 39 21 18
Greek Church 2 2 2 2
Other Sects—
Catholic and Apostolic Church 9 6 3 2 2 1 1
Israelites and Christian Israelites 5 1 4 1 1 1 1 9 7 2
Latter-day Saints or Mormons 2 2 4 3 1
Jews 17 15 2 6 5 1 5 3 2 2 2 2 1 1
Mahometans 13 13 6 6
Pagans 850 850 12 12 160 160 900 900 4 4 20 20 463 463
Other Sects 2 2 1 1 2 2 8 8 2 2 11 7 4
No Denomination 21 19 2 6 6 67 39 28 51 40 11 6 4 2 23 21 2 18 15 3
No Religion 168 100 68 4 4 24 22 2 65 45 20 5 5 19 15 4
Unspecified 104 76 28 9 8 1 84 49 35 153 83 70 5 3 2 31 16 15 69 42 27
Objecting to state their Religion from conscientious scruples 184 154 30 10 9 1 196 128 68 323 205 118 9 7 2 94 57 37 97 55 42