Summary by Counties., TABLE X.—Showing the Religions of Persons, Males, and Females, living in each County.
Religious Denominations. Total of Victoria. Anglesey. Benambra. Bendigo. Bogong. Borung. Bourke.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
TOTAL 731,528 401,050 330,478 5,492 3,389 2,103 1,228 862 366 46,109 26,059 20,050 25,797 15,325 10,472 11,140 6,448 4,692 236,778 120,147 116,631
Church of England, Episcopalians (not otherwise defined) 251,328 139,166 112,162 2,376 1,494 882 548 363 185 14,472 8,328 6,144 8,527 4,842 3,685 3,867 2,311 1,556 88,223 45,740 42,483
Free Church of England 510 268 242 1 1 2 2 5 3 2 134 63 71
Protestants (not otherwise defined) 5,997 3,798 2,199 58 35 23 7 6 1 94 71 23 450 277 173 39 27 12 2,978 1,790 1,188
Presbyterian Church of Victoria 81,839 43,210 38,629 670 389 281 66 42 24 3,756 2,077 1,679 1,809 998 811 2,004 1,076 928 22,802 11,410 11,392
Free Presbyterian Church of Victoria, and Free Presbyterians (undefined)* 20,160 11,304 8,856 146 89 57 9 7 2 867 502 365 651 373 278 277 172 105 5,499 2,900 2,599
Reformed Presbyterians Church, Covenanters 305 166 139 1 1 11 7 4 17 10 7 32 26 6
Presbyterians (not otherwise defined) 10,673 6,009 4,664 209 128 81 61 45 16 301 190 111 618 360 258 54 38 16 4,146 2,243 1,903
Other Presbyterians 6 6 1 1
Wesleyan Methodists—
United Methodist Free Church 1,326 683 643 6 6 63 34 29 5 5 50 26 24 734 361 373
New Connection Methodists 229 95 134 2 1 1 2 2 212 88 124
Primitive Methodists 7,900 3,975 3,925 26 14 12 919 476 443 40 25 15 20 9 11 1,419 693 726
Bible Christians 4,194 2,092 2,102 4 2 2 987 514 473 4 3 1 4 2 2 437 213 224
Wesleyan Methodists (not otherwise defined) 80,491 41,264 39,227 192 112 80 23 15 8 7,337 3,899 3,438 1,931 1,026 905 1,432 756 676 20,075 9,856 10,219
Other Wesleyan Methodists 80 35 45 1 1 2 2 51 26 25
Other Protestants—
Independents, or Congregationalists 18,191 9,359 8,832 56 37 19 8 6 2 1,037 535 502 689 382 307 251 144 107 8,837 4,353 4,484
Baptists 16,311 8,156 8,155 60 36 24 7 4 3 633 327 306 363 200 163 198 109 89 7,926 3,775 4,151
Lutherans, German Protestants 10,559 7,206 3,353 61 54 7 25 20 5 1,280 892 388 514 390 124 132 94 38 2,447 1,584 863
Disciples of Christ, Christians 3,540 1,715 1,825 1 1 74 37 37 60 31 29 2,295 1,088 1,207
Moravians, United Brethren 93 53 40 1 1 1 1 38 20 18 14 10 4
Calvinists, Calvinistic Methodists 1,432 855 577 7 3 4 2 2 49 42 7 11 7 4 33 21 12 193 115 78
Society of Friends 333 207 126 1 1 15 12 3 15 8 7 13 6 7 173 102 71
Unitarians 1,016 661 355 5 5 1 1 25 19 6 18 14 4 41 26 15 643 394 249
Other Protestants 1,028 619 409 4 3 1 114 53 61 25 14 11 7 6 1 685 429 256
Roman Catholics 167,468 84,861 82,607 1,361 796 565 280 173 107 11,000 5,584 5,416 6,403 3,212 3,191 2,004 1,092 912 54,733 25,642 29,091
Catholics (not otherwise defined) 3,152 1,545 1,607 17 10 7 8 6 2 88 42 46 359 187 172 39 21 18 936 368 568
Greek Church 332 305 27 11 8 3 10 10 1 1 22 20 2
Other Sects—
Catholic and Apostolic Church 278 142 136 1 1 1 1 159 82 77
Israclites and Christian Israelites 285 143 142 187 96 91
Latter-day Saints or Mormons 97 78 19 5 5 4 4 3 3 46 34 12
Jews 3,571 2,010 1,561 14 10 4 1 1 149 89 60 78 45 33 7 6 1 2,564 1,407 1,157
Mahometans 125 124 1 25 25 4 4 8 7 1 13 13
Pagans 17,650 17,620 30 63 63 146 146 1,258 1,257 1 2,364 2,364 221 221 911 891 20
Other Sects 617 391 226 4 4 9 4 5 90 61 29 24 17 7 11 11 254 151 103
No Denomination 2,737 1,880 857 18 17 1 4 4 227 217 60 100 70 30 59 29 30 1,027 655 372
No Religion 2,150 1,531 619 17 11 6 6 1 5 80 75 5 141 82 59 110 74 36 370 293 77
Unspecified 5,560 3,193 2,367 66 27 39 10 10 329 197 132 319 196 123 94 52 42 1,386 724 662
Objecting to state their Religion from conscientious scruples 9,965 6,325 3,640 37 32 5 7 7 759 478 281 244 172 72 120 85 35 4,214 2,511 1,703