Summary of Mining Districts., TABLE XXII.—Showing the Ages of Persons, Males, and Females, living on the Goldfields in each Mining District.
Mining Districts. All Ages. Under 1 Year. 1 and under 2 2 and under 3 3 and under 4 4 and under 5 5 and under 6 6 and under 7 7 and under 8 8 and under 9 9 and under 10 10 and under 11 11 and under 12 12 and under 13 13 and under 14 14 and under 15 15 and under 20 20 and under 21 21 and under 25 25 and under 30 30 and under 35 35 and under 40 40 and under 45 45 and under 50 50 and under 55 55 and under 60 60 and under 65 65 and under 70 70 and under 75 75 and under 80 80 and upwards Unspecified Children. Unspecified Adults, and altogether.
Total Mining Districts males 155,269 4,916 4,336 4,633 4,625 4,125 4,002 4,140 4,129 3,957 3,704 3,557 3,000 2,984 2,661 2,666 8,112 1,419 5,779 9,949 14,276 18,213 16,150 9,482 6,601 3,153 2,116 989 581 202 113 11 688
females 115,159 4,629 4,178 4,574 4,468 4,338 3,949 4,018 4,070 3,947 3,643 3,596 3,062 3,043 2,799 2,602 9,019 1,587 5,990 8,068 8,531 8,803 6,428 3,778 2,486 1,430 1,055 506 343 98 62 8 51
Total 270,428 9,545 8,514 9,207 9,093 8,463 7,951 8,158 8,199 7,904 7,347 7,153 6,062 6,027 5,460 5,268 17,131 3,006 11,769 18,017 22,807 27,016 22,578 13,260 9,087 4,583 3,171 1,495 924 300 175 19 739
Ararat males 11,546 322 291 318 312 256 300 269 282 265 230 232 220 226 177 181 616 99 435 822 1,120 1,412 1,321 722 521 270 181 68 46 12 5 15
females 8,000 329 282 295 315 276 278 268 287 272 238 263 180 213 191 215 626 109 450 535 569 607 521 275 193 93 63 24 22 5 3 3
Total 19,546 651 573 613 627 532 578 537 569 537 468 495 400 439 368 396 1,242 208 885 1,357 1,689 2,019 1,842 997 714 363 244 92 68 17 8 18
Ballarat males 51,329 1,836 1,655 1,736 1,752 1,595 1,431 1,538 1,472 1,449 1,365 1,288 1,105 1,066 962 1,014 3,006 484 1,999 3,296 4,320 5,374 4,711 2,719 1,902 897 640 316 179 75 33 6 108
females 43,289 1,748 1,636 1,641 1,729 1,643 1,431 1,509 1,511 1,470 1,295 1,231 1,090 1,072 1,019 990 3,339 620 2,403 3,347 3,257 3,252 2,294 1,406 920 574 404 227 139 37 28 2 25
Total 94,618 3,584 3,291 3,377 3,481 3,238 2,862 3,047 2,983 2,919 2,660 2,519 2,195 2,138 1,981 2,004 6,345 1,104 4,402 6,643 7,577 8,626 7,005 4,125 2,822 1,471 1,044 543 318 112 61 8 133
Beechworth males 16,773 516 421 452 428 426 385 412 424 371 343 351 269 248 214 193 567 117 553 1,297 1,983 2,477 1,930 974 624 233 172 81 46 12 9 1 244
females 10,288 455 388 418 435 417 424 392 396 372 360 348 296 268 270 194 652 114 495 782 905 772 498 242 163 87 79 32 18 7 5 2 2
Total 27,061 971 809 870 863 843 809 804 820 743 703 699 565 516 484 387 1,219 231 1,048 2,079 2,888 3,249 2,428 1,216 787 320 251 113 64 19 14 3 246
Castlemaine males 22,091 658 603 661 647 530 587 615 622 573 564 525 440 465 402 396 1,240 212 680 1,042 1,849 2,534 2,319 1,506 1,071 546 392 204 109 39 24 38
females 16,292 599 539 669 575 625 568 540 593 573 518 554 477 462 410 372 1,345 221 746 912 1,057 1,282 1,037 596 402 236 204 85 63 22 5 1 4
Total 38,385 1,257 1,142 1,330 1,222 1,155 1,155 1,155 1,215 1,146 1,082 1,079 917 927 812 768 2,585 433 1,426 1,954 2,906 3,816 3,356 2,102 1,473 782 596 289 172 61 29 1 42
Gippsland males 4,033 95 96 84 71 79 63 51 54 39 49 23 28 33 19 24 80 27 193 433 657 700 474 33 147 55 26 10 7 1 5 187
females 1,524 71 81 95 81 65 61 55 47 45 33 42 21 27 25 9 70 24 103 202 157 98 [Illegible] [Illegible] 10 13 10 1 1 1 2
Total 5,557 166 177 179 152 144 124 106 101 84 82 65 49 60 44 33 150 51 296 635 814 798 [Illegible] [Illegible] 157 68 36 11 7 2 6 189
Maryborough males 21,519 608 539 591 583 514 519 537 530 513 480 469 364 402 384 379 1,067 187 787 1,190 1,713 2,479 2,581 1,656 1,159 605 329 152 93 25 16 2 66
females 14,373 569 491 559 538 572 454 508 508 490 492 481 410 408 346 343 1,207 191 684 841 951 1,101 890 537 342 190 135 63 45 10 10 1 6
Total 35,892 1,177 1,030 1,150 1,121 1,086 973 1,045 1,038 1,003 972 950 774 810 730 722 2,274 378 1,471 2,031 2,664 3,580 3,471 2,193 1,501 795 464 215 138 35 26 3 72
Sandhurst males 27,976 881 731 791 832 725 717 718 745 747 673 669 574 544 503 479 1,536 293 1,132 1,869 2,634 3,237 2,814 1,682 1,177 547 376 158 101 38 21 2 30
females 21,393 858 761 897 795 740 733 746 728 725 707 677 588 593 538 479 1,780 308 1,109 1,449 1,635 1,691 1,141 695 456 237 160 74 56 16 10 2 9
Total 49,369 1,739 1,492 1,688 1,627 1,465 1,450 1,464 1,473 1,472 1,380 1,346 1,162 1,137 1,041 958 3,316 601 2,241 3,318 4,269 4,928 3,955 2,377 1,633 784 536 232 157 54 31 4 39