Holdings Occupied under different Tenures, with Land Occupied and Cultivated, 1863 and 1871., TABLE IX.—Showing the Number of Holdings of over One Acre in Extent in the Colony of Victoria, Classified according to the kind of Tenure under which they are held, the Area of each Description of Land comprised in each Class, and the Total Extent Cultivated on each Class, during the Years 1863 and 1871 respectively.
Description of Tenure. Number of Holdings. Land in Occupation. Land in Cultivation.
1863. 1871. 1863. 1871. 1863. 1871.
acres. acres. acres. acres.
Exclusively Freehold 9,742 14,322 1,618,915 3,064,121 246,294 219,324
Exclusively Rented from the Crown 1,252 11,256 14,472,549 14,769,562 8,225 174,166
Exclusively Rented from Private Individuals 4,097 5,262 627,847 1,097,286 148,530 122,171
In one Holding—
Freehold Land 786 4,549 1,877,178 2,264,116 16,313 164,339
Land Rented from the Crown 13,273,301 13,056,160
In one Holding—
Freehold Land 1,003 1,916 108,975 587,703 44,269 59,883
Land Rented from Private Individuals 127,560 387,269
In one Holding—
Land Rented from the Crown 26 644 300,207 162,351 732 27,563
Land Rented from Private Individuals 45,907 197,188
In one Holding—
Freehold Land 42 609 125,657 464,458 1,067 37,062
Land Rented from the Crown 899,437 706,239
Land Rented from Private Individuals 71,273 171,661
Total 16,948 38,558 33,548,806 36,928,114 465,430 804,508
Exclusively or partly Freehold 11,573 21,396 18,102,296 20,701,727 307,943 480,608
Entirely Freehold 5,375 17,162 15,446,510 16,226,387 157,487 323,900