Holdings Occupied under different Tenures, Land in Occupation and Cultivation thereon, with Averages and Percentages., TABLE V.—Showing the Number of Holdings of over one Acre in extent, Classified according to the kind of Tenure under which they are held, the Total and Average Area of each Class, and the Total and Average Extent Cultivated on each Class ; together with the Proportion per cent. of the Holdings of each Class to the Total Number of Holdings, the Proportion per Cent. of the Area embraced in each Class to the Total Area Occupied, and the Proportion per Cent. of the Extent Cultivated on each Class to the Total Extent Cultivated and to the Total Area Occupied.
Description of Tenure. Holdings. Land in Occupation. Land in Cultivation.
Number. Proportions per Cent. Number of Acres. Proportions per Cent. Number of Acres. Proportions per Cent. Percentage of Land in Occupation.
Total. Average of each Class. Total. Average of each Class.
Exclusively Freehold 14,322 37.14 3,064,121 213.95 8.30 219,324 15.31 27.26 7.16
Exclusively Rented from the Crown 11,256 29.19 14,769,562 1312.15 40.00 174,166 15.47 21.65 1.18
Exclusively Rented from Private Individuals 5,262 13.65 1,097,286 208.53 2.97 122,171 23.22 15.18 11.13
Freehold and Rented from the Crown, in one Holding 4,549 11.80 15,320,276 3367.83 41.49 164,339 36.13 20.43 1.07
Freehold and Rented from Private Individuals, in one Holding 1,916 4.97 974,972 508.86 2.64 59,883 31.25 7.44 6.14
Rented from the Crown and Rented from Private Individuals, in one Holding 644 1.67 359,539 558.29 0.97 27,563 42.80 3.43 7.67
Freehold, Rented from the Crown, and Rented from Private Individuals, in one Holding 609 1.58 1,342,358 2204.20 3.63 37,062 60.86 4.61 2.76
Total 38,558 100.00 36,928,114 8373.81 100.00 804,508 225.04 100.00 37.11
Exclusively or partly Freehold 21,396 55.49 20,701,727 6294.84 56.06 480,608 143.55 59.74 17.13
Entirely Rented 17,162 44.51 16,226,387 2078.97 43.94 323,900 81.49 40.26 19.98