County of Dundas., TABLE XLII.—Showing the Population and Houses in the Principal Places situated in the County of Dundas—continued.
Name of Place. Habitations. Population (exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines) living in Travellers, and Persons Sleeping under Drays or Camping out. Chinese living in— Aborigines living in Houses.
Number of Rooms. Brick, Stone, Wood, Iron, or Lath and Plaster Buildings. Slab, Bark, or Mud Huts. Tents or Dwellings with Canvas Roofs. Habitations of Unstated Materials. Europeans. Chinese. Aborigines. Brick, Stone, Wood, Iron, or Lath and Plaster Buildings. Slab, Bark, or Mud Huts. Tents or Dwellings with Canvas Roofs. Habitations of Unstated Materials.
One. Two. Three and Four. Five and Six. Over Six. Not stated.
Brick, Stone, Wood, Iron, &c. Huts, Tents, &c.
COUNTY OF DUNDAS 52 91 397 393 147 145 36 6,159 402 152 79 33 1 11 6 6 1 38
Hamilton Borough(part of1)— 13 3 90 137 63 50 9 1,936 23 3 11 4 3 20
Dundas Shire(part of2)—
West Riding : Coleraine Township (part of) 6 2 25 26 12 13 482 7 6 4 5
Balmoral (part of) 1 4 7 4 3 112 3 6 1 5
Redruth 1 4 2 3 1 61
Outside townships 2 23 39 40 11 22 3 807 24 51 1 3 2 1 1
East Riding : Balmoral (remainder of) 1 4 2 2 62
Cavendish 6 12 2 5 132 6 3
Outside Townships 20 22 101 70 18 22 14 1,066 132 30 48 6 1 2 12
Glenelg Shire(part of (3))
Coleraine Township (remainder of) 1 17 12 5 5 1 209 2
Outside Township 9 40 110 83 27 22 9 1,292 216 59 9 7 6 1 5
Dundas Shire in the County of Dundas 29 48 180 161 52 68 17 2,722 163 90 59 20 1 5 6 2 1 13
West Riding, Dundas Shire 9 26 72 75 30 39 3 1,462 31 60 5 14 1 5 2 1 1
East Riding, Dundas Shire 20 22 108 86 22 29 14 1,260 132 30 54 6 4 2 12
Glenelg Shire 10 40 127 95 32 27 10 1,501 216 59 9 9 6 1 5