County of Bogong., TABLE XXXIV.—Showing the Population and Houses in the Principal Places situated in the County of Bogong—continued.
Name of Place. Habitations. Population (exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines) living in— Travellers and Persons Sleeping under Drays or Camping out. Chinese living in— Aborigines living in Houses.
Number of Rooms. Brick, Stone, Wood, Iron, or Lath and Plaster Buildings. Slab, Bark, or Mud Huts. Tents, or Dwellings, with Canvas Roofs. Habitations of Unstated Materials. Europeans. Chinese. Aborigines. Brick, Stone, Wood, Iron, or Lath and Plaster Buildings. Slab, Bark, or Mud Huts. Tents, or Dwellings, with Canvas Roofs. Habitations of Unstated Materials.
One. Two. Three and Four. Five and Six. Over Six. Not stated.
Brick, Stone, Wood, Iron, &c. Huts, Tents, &c.
Little River District 1 6 20 19 16 12 1 379 68 5 32 3 8
Outside Township, &c. 3 5 16 47 14 9 1 498 8 2 5 4
Beechworth Shire—
East Riding : Stanley Township 8 10 34 37 7 9 322 11 21 31
Wooragee Goldworkings 2 3 16 25 5 3 1 121 22 11 132
Goldworkings adjacent to Stanley 2 3 6 14 1 90 7 6 4
Stanley Road and adjacent Goldworkings 5 7 8 21 6 153 11 7 3 2 2 11
Chinese Camp, Asylum Hill 12 36 36 12 4 1 19 1 141 90
Madman's Gully Goldworkings 6 5 10 1 64 16 1
Rocky Point (remainder of) Goldworkings 6 8 13 2 87 15 5 32
Silver Creek Goldworkings 2 15 22 18 3 3 2 112 17 66 3
Lower Nine-mile Goldworkings 3 5 11 18 2 1 1 123 17 19 13
Europa Gully Goldworkings 2 2 5 13 58 9 12 6
Nuggety Gully Goldworkings 2 1 11 6 63 1 4
Hurdle Flat Goldworkings 15 5 23 32 4 3 1 271 15 2 8
Barwidgee Creek Goldworkings 4 3 1 5 1 45 4 2 1
Little Scotland Goldworkings 2 8 12 70 10 2
Back Creek Goldworkings 9 3 10 13 4 114 5 1 17 2
Six-mile Goldworkings 2 9 14 17 1 117 28 6
Outside Township and Goldworkings 3 2 18 31 11 7 290 21 3
West Riding: One, Two, and Three Mile Creek Goldworkings 9 65 40 81 18 5 4 564 83 5 8 16 143 4
Spring Creek and Penny weight Flat Goldworkings 4 6 12 26 5 6 236 14 1 2
Stony Creek Goldworkings 8 3 2 1 11 12 13
Murmungee Goldworkings 1 8 8 10 4 80 15 1 10 14
Outside of Goldworkings 3 5 31 42 27 18 2 942 55 4 9 21
North Riding : Eldorado Township and (remainder of) Goldworkings 11 18 62 13 7 2 423 76 8 2
Reed's Creek, Woolshed, and Sebastopol Goldworkings 2 128 18 29 9 3 15 271 88 17 314
Outside Township and Goldworkings 7 8 27 5 3 6 180 51 2 22 3
Bright Shire(part of (2))—
West Riding 2 6 6 2 3 1 85 8
North Riding 3 11 28 11 9 2 290 16 13 10 9
Outside Township, Myrtleford Township 12 40 35 45 10 9 3 407 92 3 10 1 5 123
South Riding : Freeburg (part of (3)) Goldworkings 6 4 2 1 14 49
Bairnsdale Shire(part of (4))—
East Riding : Wombat Creek Goldworkings 1 13 7 6 2 1 2 36 17 4 23 3
Mitta-mitta Goldworkings 3 2 25
Other Goldworkings 6 13 14 4 1 36 19 7 3 8 6 31
Outside Goldworkings 3 2 5 4 2 1 82 15 5 6
Towong Road District(part of (5)) 1 6 7 7 2 146 9 1
Outside Shires and Road Districts
Snowy Creek Township 12 8 4 3 135 16 2
Granite Flat Goldworkings 5 14 9 13 6 6 8 179 9 24 80 61
Tarrawingee Riding, North Ovens Shire 15 28 74 138 52 28 7 1,225 329 6 6 10 2 1
Central Riding 1 16 34 48 18 10 5 540 133 10 13 6 42 13 2 2
North-east Riding, Rutherglen Shire 3 8 20 27 9 8 3 350 67 10 3 6 1
South Riding, Rutherglen Shire 5 45 71 104 28 13 23 835 365 2 41 7 102 47
North-west Riding, Yackandandah Shire 16 28 100 108 56 35 9 1,557 206 52 15 12 2 1
South-east Riding, Yackandandah Shire 54 86 163 297 99 59 33 2,829 208 6 5 8 32 207 169 2
East Riding, Beechworth Shire 59 94 236 321 59 31 6 2,119 210 12 6 3 3 243 396 3
West Riding, Beechworth Shire 17 92 94 161 52 29 6 1,833 179 5 14 9 47 172 4
North Riding, Beechworth Shire 2 146 44 118 27 13 23 874 215 2 47 319
Bright Shire in the County of Bogong 12 51 56 81 24 21 6 796 116 3 13 18 1 14 172
North Riding, Bright Shire 12 43 46 73 21 18 5 697 108 3 13 18 1 14 123
East Riding of Bairnsdale Shire in the County of Bogong 7 29 26 17 6 3 4 179 51 12 9 12 29 31 3
Rutherglen Goldworkings 12 21 49 4 3 10 197 171 48 7 40 2