SUMMARY BY DECENNIAL PERIODS OF AGE., TABLE VII.—Showing, exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines, and of the Migratory Population, the Number of Males and Females Married, Unmarried, and Widowed at Decennial Periods of Age, and the Proportion per Cent. of each condition to the Total living at each Age Period.
Ages. Number. Proportions in every 100 living at each Age.
Total. Unmarried. Husbands. Widowers. Condition unknown. Total. Unmarried. Wives. Widows. Condition unknown. Unmarried. Husbands. Widowers. Unmarried. Wives. Widows.
All Ages 300,005 202,384 88,840 6,834 1,947 210,547 119,108 84,550 6,623 266 67.90 29.81 2.29 56.65 40.21 3.14
Aged 20 and upwards* 195,703 98,198 88,768 6,829 1,908 105,433 16,128 82,466 6,597 242 50.67 45.81 3.52 15.34 78.39 6.27
0 to 20† 104,302 104,186 72 5 39 105,114 102,980 2,084 26 24 99.93 0.07 0.00 98.00 1.98 0.02
20 to 30 74,570 54,355 19,262 442 511 49,034 13,091 34,944 871 128 73.39 26.01 0.60 26.76 71.46 1.78
30 to 40 70,686 29,919 38,835 1,632 300 33,003 2,173 29,316 1,475 39 42.51 55.17 2.32 6.60 88.93 4.47
40 to 50 31,750 9,394 20,311 1,910 135 14,620 553 12,621 1,428 18 29.71 64.25 6.04 3.79 86.44 9.77
50 to 60 12,201 2,994 7,645 1,521 41 5,920 200 4,281 1,432 7 24.63 62.87 12.50 3.38 72.41 24.21
60 to 70 4,027 919 2,183 894 31 2,136 54 1,077 1,003 2 23.00 54.63 22.37 2.53 50.46 47.01
70 to 80 798 153 332 304 9 454 18 117 318 1 19.39 42.08 38.53 3.97 25.83 70.20
80 and upwards 160 37 44 77 2 74 4 12 57 1 23.42 27.85 48.73 5.48 16.44 78.08
Age unspecified (not children) 1,511 427 156 49 879 192 35 98 13 46 67.57 24.68 7.75 23.97 67.12 8.91