ELECTORAL PROVINCES., TABLE XIV.—Showing, exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines, and of the Migratory Population, the Numbers and Ages of the Unmarried, Married, Widowed, and Unspecified of both sexes, in each Electoral Province.
Electoral Provinces. All Ages. Under 15 15 and under 20 20 and under 21 21 and under 25 25 and under 30 30 and under 35 35 and under 40 40 and under 45 45 and under 50 50 and under 55 55 and under 60 60 and under 65 65 and under 70 70 and under 75 75 and under 80 80 and upwards Unspecified.
Unmarried Males 37,720 21,424 3,615 760 3,077 3,607 2,429 1,206 667 378 236 124 88 30 19 10 12 38
Females 32,955 21,779 4,564 946 2,624 1,718 635 306 171 89 57 30 15 7 5 3 6
Married Males 20,520 22 33 696 3,424 4,922 3,931 3,010 1,830 1,302 673 408 161 61 26 8 13
Females 22,089 1 404 357 2,801 5,454 4,538 3,270 2,379 1,261 899 384 214 64 27 14 1 21
Widowed Males 1,280 6 60 132 166 167 167 176 119 99 77 50 32 21 8
Females 2,566 6 8 77 228 269 302 329 258 311 244 266 126 92 24 20 6
Unspecified Males 197 9 2 4 76 27 10 15 10 5 2 5 2 2 1 1 26
Females 67 1 2 3 27 3 6 6 1 1 17
Total Males 59,717 21,424 3,646 795 3,783 7,167 7,510 5,313 3,859 2,385 1,719 918 600 270 132 69 42 85
Females 57,677 21,780 4,975 1,313 5,505 7,427 5,445 3,884 2,885 1,608 1,268 658 496 197 124 41 21 50
Unmarried Males 22,013 10,633 2,173 502 2,249 2,595 1,601 856 607 306 220 94 75 30 8 3 4 57
Females 14,144 10,424 1,854 326 724 436 179 86 62 18 19 10 2 2 2
Married Males 9,769 1 3 22 361 1,565 2,032 1,717 1,570 968 724 342 278 93 45 13 7 28
Females 9,122 186 157 1,101 2,192 1,732 1,331 1,023 583 394 190 149 43 14 6 2 19
Widowed Males 750 1 7 37 54 70 118 96 115 73 80 38 31 16 11 3
Females 680 4 2 15 55 69 75 84 61 98 54 67 46 31 11 7 1
Unspecified Males 132 2 1 14 10 4 8 5 1 87
Females 43 2 2 4 23 1 1 1 9
Total Males 32,664 10,634 2,179 524 2,618 4,211 3,697 2,647 2,303 1,370 1,059 509 433 166 84 32 23 175
Females 23,989 10,424 2,046 487 1,844 2,706 1,981 1,492 1,170 662 512 254 218 91 47 17 9 29
Unmarried Males 33,825 18,371 2,735 665 2,895 3,969 2,469 1,146 711 326 239 103 88 41 19 8 3 37
Females 23,948 18,368 2,740 526 1,142 656 256 123 52 25 21 9 11 6 1 1 11
Married Males 16,780 13 23 591 3,017 4,333 3,134 2,391 1,357 995 423 321 87 45 15 13 22
Females 16,621 1 400 305 2,077 4,340 3,574 2,294 1,569 883 640 265 184 48 22 2 2 15
Widowed Males 1,111 2 10 67 125 147 168 120 148 96 110 54 28 22 12 2
Females 1,240 7 4 48 115 139 116 159 109 164 111 146 45 40 19 13 5
Unspecified Males 358 7 6 13 82 19 15 15 3 7 3 3 3 1 181
Females 100 19 10 22 14 12 5 5 4 1 1 1 6
Total Males 52,074 18,371 2,757 694 3,509 7,135 6,946 4,442 3,285 1,806 1,389 625 522 185 93 45 28 242
Females 41,909 18,369 3,166 845 3,289 5,125 3,981 2,538 1,785 1,017 825 389 341 100 63 22 17 37