GENERAL SUMMARY, INCLUSIVE AND EXCLUSIVE OF CHINESE AND ABORIGINES., TABLE VII.—Showing at each Quinquennial Period of Age the Numbers and Proportions per Cent. of Persons, Males and Females, inclusive and exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines ; also the Numbers of Chinese and Aborigines at each Age Period.
Age. Numbers. Per centage at the different ages calculated on the specified Totals.
Inclusive of Chinese and Aborigines. Chinese. Aborigines. Exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines. Inclusive of Chinese and Aborigines. Exclusive of Chinese and Aborigines.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
All Ages 540,322 328,651 211,671 24,732 24,724 8 1,694 1,046 648 513,896 302,881 211,015
Specified Ages 534,863 323,863 211,000 22,153 22,145 8 613 387 226 512,097 301,331 210,766 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
0 to 5 91,366 45,989 45,377 25 12 13 91,341 45,977 45,364 16.96 14.22 21.51 17.82 15.10 21.54
5 to 10 53,180 26,458 26,722 2 2 41 29 12 53,137 26,427 26,710 9.85 8.17 12.67 10.37 8.71 12.68
10 to 15 34,479 17,411 17,068 109 108 1 35 23 12 34,335 17,280 17,055 6.39 5.38 8.10 6.69 5.68 8.10
15 to 20 32,718 16,525 16,193 1,048 1,048 102 61 41 31,568 15,416 16,152 6.06 5.11 7.67 6.17 5.07 7.67
20 to 25 55,396 32,865 22,531 4,587 4,585 2 107 63 44 50,702 28,217 22,485 10.28 10.15 10.69 9.90 9.30 10.67
25 to 30 79,903 53,196 26,707 5,878 5,875 3 78 50 28 73,947 47,271 26,676 14.82 16.45 12.67 14.45 16.33 12.66
30 to 35 68,265 48,260 20,005 4,882 4,880 2 64 43 21 63,319 43,337 19,982 12.67 14.83 9.49 12.39 14.29 9.48
35 to 40 43,379 30,271 13,108 2,216 2,216 43 28 15 41,120 28,027 13,093 8.04 9.35 6.21 8.05 9.24 6.20
40 to 45 31,796 22,319 9,477 1,852 1,852 54 33 21 29,890 20,434 9,456 5.89 6.90 4.49 5.85 6.73 4.48
45 to 50 17,496 12,296 5,200 662 662 20 13 7 16,814 11,621 5,193 3.25 3.81 2.46 3.28 3.84 2.46
50 to 55 12,864 8,883 3,981 533 533 22 15 7 12,309 8,335 3,974 3.20 2.73 1.88 2.41 2.75 1.88
55 to 60 6,072 4,114 1,958 142 142 5 4 1 5,925 3,968 1,957 1.12 1.27 0.92 1.15 1.31 0.92
60 to 65 4,727 3,157 1,570 176 176 12 9 3 4,539 2,972 1,567 0.88 0.98 0.74 0.88 0.98 0.74
65 to 70 1,693 1,120 573 38 38 1 1 1,654 1,081 573 0.31 0.35 0.27 0.32 0.35 0.27
70 to 75 934 595 339 18 18 3 3 913 574 339 0.17 0.18 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.16
75 to 80 351 233 118 4 4 1 1 346 229 117 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.06
80 and upwards 244 171 73 6 6 238 165 73 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.03
Unspecified Adults 4,277 3,824 453 2,286 2,286 759 475 284 1,232 1,063 169
Unspecified Children 245 140 105 123 74 49 122 66 56
Unspecified altogether 937 824 113 293 293 199 110 89 445 421 24