TABLE I. SUMMARY TABLE shewing the Number of Persons Colonial, British, and Foreign born, in each COUNTY and PASTORAL DISTRICT in VICTORIA.
COUNTIES AND PASTORAL DISTRICTS. TOTAL. NUMBER OF PERSONS BORN IN Total Born in British Dominions and at Sea. Total Born in Foreign Countries, and Unknown.
Victoria and other Australian Colonies. Other British Colonies. Great Britain and Ireland. Continent of Europe. America (not British.) China and other Foreign Countries. At Sea. Place unknown.
ANGLESEY 593 184 9 389 5 3 2 1 583 10
BOURKE (including Melbourne) 101,086 16,660 1,493 78,297 2,452 939 120 457 668 96,907 4,179
DALHOUSIE 6,212 1,494 64 4,441 129 46 11 12 15 6,011 201
DUNDAS 1,345 297 15 988 14 1 18 8 4 1,308 37
EVELYN 1,215 353 11 809 32 3 3 3 1 1,176 39
FOLLETT 381 87 1 288 2 1 2 377 4
GRANT (including Geelong) 32,889 6,446 436 24,397 789 214 179 142 286 31,421 1,468
GRENVILLE 8,604 1,173 159 6,556 296 177 154 21 68 7,909 695
HAMPDEN 899 202 4 663 3 23 4 873 26
HEYTESBURY 351 123 5 214 1 2 3 3 345 6
MORNINGTON 1,372 384 29 893 49 12 1 4 1,310 62
NORMANBY 3,921 1,034 37 2,747 65 3 3 31 1 3,849 72
POLWORTH 981 320 4 643 3 2 7 2 969 12
RIPON 1,269 196 16 986 4 3 52 4 8 1,202 67
TALBOT 16,244 2,445 290 11,945 683 270 174 64 373 14,744 1,500
VILLIERS 5,996 1,849 29 3,955 97 17 12 34 3 5,867 129
GIPPS LAND 1,956 747 18 1,119 18 4 31 8 11 1,892 64
THE LODDON 27,126 3,484 661 18,930 1,499 580 1,561 84 327 23,159 3,067
RODNEY (Unproclaimed County) 1,557 241 18 1,177 81 30 6 4 1,440 117
THE MURRAY 6,392 1,520 115 4,247 133 317 37 21 2 5,903 489
THE WIMMERA 2,685 474 21 2,083 40 10 52 1 4 2,579 106
PERSONS IN SHIPS AND HULKS 4,987 81 259 3,584 555 153 210 8 137 3,932 1,055
TRAVELLERS 8,737 1,439 129 6,639 286 123 87 34 8,241 496
TOTAL 236,798 41,233 3,823 175,990 7,236 2,909 2,746 951 1,910 221,997 14,801