SUMMARY TABLE III. SHOWING the OCCUPATIONS of MALES and FEMALES in Classes, and the proportion per cent. of Persons in each Class to the total of all Classes.
Both Sexes. Males. Females. Males. Females.
CLASS I. Persons engaged in the General or Local Government and Defence of the Country 3,982 3,965 17 2.54 0.02
CLASS II. Persons in the Learned Professions, with their immediate subordinates, (not in Government employment) 1,426 1,359 67 0.87 0.08
CLASS III. Persons engaged in Literature, Fine Arts, and Sciences 1,283 845 438 0.54 0.54
CLASS IV. Trading—Persons who buy, sell, keep, or lend Goods or Money 11,929 11,647 282 7.47 0.34
CLASS V. Persons engaged in Entertaining, Clothing, and performing personal offices for man 17,971 6,845 11,126 4.39 13.75
CLASS VI. Manufacture—Persons engaged in Art, Mechanical Productions, and in working and dealing in Minerals, Vegetable and Animal Matters 18,461 18,461 11.84
CLASS VII. Mining—Persons engaged in digging for and washing out Gold 36,332 36,332 23.31
CLASS VIII. Agricultural and Pastoral—Persons working land, and engaged in growing Grain, Fruits, Animals, and other products 14,473 14,378 95 9.22 0.11
CLASS IX. Carrying—Persons engaged in the Conveyance of Men and Goods 5,957 5,957 3.82
CLASS X. Persons dealing in Food and Drinks 3,329 3,307 22 2.12 0.02
CLASS XI. Laborers (Branch of Labor undefined) 8,904 8,904 5.71
CLASS XII. Miscellaneous Pursuits—persons engaged in occupations not embraced in any other class 1,858 1,332 526 0.85 0.65
CLASS XIII. Independent Means—Persons of Property and Rank, not returned under any office or occupation 1,943 1,653 290 1.06 0.35
CLASS XIV. Persons engaged in Domestic Offices or Duties, and of no specified occupation 93,309 30,204 63,105 19.37 78.00
CLASS XV. Sailors 5,712 5,712 3.66
CLASS XVI. Persons whose pursuits have not been specified, or who were unemployed 6,921 2,590 4,331 1.66 5.35
CLASS XVII. Persons maintained at Public Cost or by the Community 2,986 2,385 601 1.53 0.74
TOTALS *236798 155,876 80,900 99.96 99.95