TABLE III., SUMMARY TABLE C—showing the INCREASE of the principal RELIGIOUS BODIES in VICTORIA in 1854 as compared with 1851.
Religious Denomination. Number of Members of each Denomination. Absolute Increase of each Denomination. Proportion of Increase Per cent.
1851. 1854.
Church of England 37,433 108,002 70,569 188.52
Presbyterians 11,608 42,317 30,709 264.55
Wesleyan Methodists 4,988 15,284 16,296 206.42
Other Protestants 4,313 18,264 13,921 322.77
Roman Catholics 18,014 45,111 27,097 150.42
Jews 364 1,547 1,183 325.00
Mahomedans and Pagans 201 3,009 2,808 1327.01
Other Persussions 424 368
No Religion 805
Not Specified 2,121