Summary by Quinqennial Age-Periods.,TABLE III.—Showing the Proportion of Persons to every 10000 of the living Population suffering from each description of Infirmity at each Quinquennial Period of Age, according to the Census Returns of 1901.,PERSONS—CENTESIMAL.
AGES. Total Population. Total Cases of Infirmity. Sick. Suffering from Accident. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. Insane. Idiotic. Epileptic. Crippled, deformed, other infirmities.
All Ages 172,475 199.00 65.34 16.06 4.35 10.03 24.41 1.10 0.81 76.90
Specified 172,328 198.05 65.40 16.07 4.35 10.03 23.38 1.10 0.82 76.90
0 - 5 years 20,865 20.13 10.54 0.48 0.96 1.00 8.15
5 - 65 144,440 155.00 44.95 16.49 4.77 5.76 22.86 1.24 0.96 58.87
65 and over 7,023 1613.50 667.80 54.09 8.54 125.40 103.96 1.44 652.27
0 - 5 20,865 20.13 10.54 0.48 0.96 8.15
5 - 10 22,024 39.96 7.72 3.18 4.09 1.82 0.91 1.36 0.45 20.43
10 - 15 21,136 66.72 18.45 7.10 3.79 2.36 2.84 1.89 0.47 29.82
15 - 20 18,451 89.94 23.85 12.46 4.88 3.25 2.17 1.62 1.62 40.09
20 - 25 16,410 147.50 45.11 17.07 6.70 6.09 9.75 2.44 0.60 59.74
25 - 30 13,837 153.23 40.48 20.96 8.67 5.06 20.24 1.44 1.44 54.94
30 - 35 11,998 161.73 50.02 21.66 3.34 3.34 30.85 0.83 1.67 50.02
35 - 40 11,479 194.30 50.53 21.77 4.35 6.10 44.47 0.86 66.22
40 - 45 9,740 223.82 54.42 24.65 2.05 5.13 48.25 1.02 88.30
45 - 50 6,854 342.30 93.21 27.51 12.22 16.82 67.23 3.06 122.25
50 - 55 5,176 326.55 86.94 30.93 1.93 23.18 65.69 1.93 115.95
55 - 60 3,881 396.90 146.90 38.66 10.31 74.73 126.30
60 - 65 3,454 599.85 208.65 34.78 23.18 92.73 240.51
65 - 70 2,613 815.20 302.34 42.09 3.82 45.95 84.20 336.80
70 - 75 2,033 1505.00 600.00 68.86 4.92 108.20 132.80 4.92 585.30
75 - 80 1,270 2417.20 976.40 47.25 23.62 181.15 102.38 1086.40
80 - 85 761 2365.60 1103.80 39.43 170.89 78.86 972.62
85 and over. 346 3671.00 1734.40 115.60 28.90 520.25 144.50 1127.35