Class. Persons. Males.
1901. 1891. 1901 1891.
Per cent. Per cent. Percent. Percent.
1. Primary Producers—
Agricultural and Pastoral 28.98 30.10 32.76 34.05
Mineral 7.44 6.49 9.49 8.16
Other 1.53 1.79 1.42 2.20
37.95 38.38 43.67 44.41
2. Industrial (Modifiers) 25.53 26.08 28.62 29.07
3. Commercial and Transport (Distributors)—
Property and Finance 1.87 2.51 1.75 2.35
Trade 8.43 7.59 8.86 8.26
Transport 6.59 5.32 7.85 6.26
16.89 15.62 18.46 16.47
4. Domestic Services 10.80 11.69 2.54 2.93
5. Professional Services Illegible Illegible 5.32 5.56
6. Indefinite 2.13 1.85 0.91 1.16
All Breadwinners 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00